Advanced DNA-based point-of-care diagnostic methods for plant diseases detection

HY Lau, JR Botella - Frontiers in plant science, 2017 -
Diagnostic technologies for the detection of plant pathogens with point-of-care capability
and high multiplexing ability are an essential tool in the fight to reduce the large agricultural …

Recent advances in molecular diagnostics of fungal plant pathogens: a mini review

G Hariharan, K Prasannath - Frontiers in Cellular and Infection …, 2021 -
Phytopathogenic fungal species can cause enormous losses in quantity and quality of crop
yields and this is a major economic issue in the global agricultural sector. Precise and rapid …

Current trends, limitations and future research in the fungi?

KD Hyde, P Baldrian, Y Chen, KW Thilini Chethana… - Fungal Diversity, 2024 - Springer
The field of mycology has grown from an underappreciated subset of botany, to a valuable,
modern scientific discipline. As this field of study has grown, there have been significant …

[HTML][HTML] Current understanding of plant-microbe interaction through the lenses of multi-omics approaches and their benefits in sustainable agriculture

D Diwan, MM Rashid, A Vaishnav - Microbiological research, 2022 - Elsevier
The success of sustainable agricultural practices has now become heavily dependent on the
interactions between crop plants and their associated microbiome. Continuous …

A plant pathology perspective of fungal genome sequencing

J Aylward, ET Steenkamp, LL Dreyer, F Roets… - IMA fungus, 2017 - Springer
The majority of plant pathogens are fungi and many of these adversely affect food security.
This minireview aims to provide an analysis of the plant pathogenic fungi for which genome …

[HTML][HTML] Fantastic downy mildew pathogens and how to find them: advances in detection and diagnostics

AF Salcedo, S Purayannur, JR Standish, T Miles… - Plants, 2021 -
Downy mildews affect important crops and cause severe losses in production worldwide.
Accurate identification and monitoring of these plant pathogens, especially at early stages of …

Plant-microbe interactions for sustainable agriculture in the postgenomic era

RK Agrahari, P Singh, H Koyama… - Current Genomics, 2020 -
Plant-microbe interactions are both symbiotic and antagonistic, and the knowledge of both
these interactions is equally important for the progress of agricultural practice and produce …

Clade-Specific Biosurveillance of Pseudoperonospora cubensis Using Spore Traps for Precision Disease Management of Cucurbit Downy Mildew

A Rahman, JR Standish, KN D'arcangelo… - …, 2021 - Am Phytopath Society
Pseudoperonospora cubensis is an obligate oomycete and cause of cucurbit downy mildew
(CDM), the most destructive foliar disease affecting cucurbit hosts. Annual epidemics …

Identification and Characterization of Fusarium nirenbergiae Associated with Saffron Corm Rot Disease

SA Mirghasempour, DJ Studholme, W Chen… - Plant …, 2022 - Am Phytopath Society
Saffron (Crocus sativus L.) is the most expensive spice plant and is distributed widely
around the world. However, its production is limited by corm rot, a disastrous disease …

Spinach downy mildew: Advances in our understanding of the disease cycle and prospects for disease management

SL Kandel, B Mou, N Shishkoff, A Shi… - Plant …, 2019 - Am Phytopath Society
Downy mildew on spinach is caused by Peronospora effusa, an oomycete pathogen that
poses a challenge to spinach production worldwide, especially in organic production …