[HTML][HTML] Regularities in Ordered n-Ary Semihypergroups

J Daengsaen, S Leeratanavalee - Mathematics, 2021 - mdpi.com
This paper deals with a class of hyperstructures called ordered n-ary semihypergroups
which are studied by means of j-hyperideals for all positive integers 1≤ j≤ n and n≥ 3. We …

[PDF][PDF] Green's relations on ordered n-ary semihypergroups

J Daengsaen, S Leeratanavalee - Categories and General Algebraic …, 2023 - scj.sbu.ac.ir
In this paper, we introduce the concept of weak $ i $-hyperfilters of ordered $ n $-
arysemihypergroups, where a positive integer 1≤ i≤ n and n≥ 2, and then discuss …

[HTML][HTML] Left regular and left weakly regular n-ary semigroups

P Pornsurat, B Pibaljommee - Kyungpook Mathematical Journal, 2022 - kmj.knu.ac.kr
We study the concept of a quasi-ideal and a generalized bi-ideal of an n-ary semigroup; give
a construction of the quasi-ideal of an n-ary semigroup generated by its nonempty subset; …

[PDF][PDF] Semilattice strongly regular relations on ordered n-ary semihypergroups

J Daengsaen, S Leeratanavalee - AIMS Mathematics, 2022 - aimspress.com
In this paper, we introduce the concept of j-hyperfilters, for all positive integers 1≤ j≤ n and
n≥ 2, on (ordered) n-ary semihypergroups and establish the relationships between j …

Semilattices of simple and regular n-ary semigroups

J Daengsaen, S Leeratanavalee - Semigroup Forum, 2023 - Springer
The semilattice congruence N, which identifies two elements if they generate the same
principal filter, plays a significant role in studying the decomposition of semigroups. We …

[PDF][PDF] Regularities in Ordered n-Ary Semihypergroups. Mathematics 2021, 9, 1857

J Daengsaen, S Leeratanavalee - 2021 - academia.edu
This paper deals with a class of hyperstructures called ordered n-ary semihypergroups
which are studied by means of j-hyperideals for all positive integers 1≤ j≤ n and n≥ 3. We …