Reducing the health effects of hot weather and heat extremes: from personal cooling strategies to green cities
Heat extremes (ie, heatwaves) already have a serious impact on human health, with ageing,
poverty, and chronic illnesses as aggravating factors. As the global community seeks to …
poverty, and chronic illnesses as aggravating factors. As the global community seeks to …
Impact of extreme weather events and climate change for health and social care systems
This review, commissioned by the Research Councils UK Living With Environmental
Change (LWEC) programme, concerns research on the impacts on health and social care …
Change (LWEC) programme, concerns research on the impacts on health and social care …
The health effects of hotter summers and heat waves in the population of the United Kingdom: a review of the evidence
KG Arbuthnott, S Hajat - Environmental health, 2017 - Springer
It is widely acknowledged that the climate is warming globally and within the UK. In this
paper, studies which assess the direct impact of current increased temperatures and heat …
paper, studies which assess the direct impact of current increased temperatures and heat …
Web-based infectious disease surveillance systems and public health perspectives: a systematic review
J Choi, Y Cho, E Shim, H Woo - BMC public health, 2016 - Springer
Background Emerging and re-emerging infectious diseases are a significant public health
concern, and early detection and immediate response is crucial for disease control. These …
concern, and early detection and immediate response is crucial for disease control. These …
[HTML][HTML] Health care facilities resilient to climate change impacts
J Paterson, P Berry, K Ebi, L Varangu - International journal of …, 2014 - mdpi.com
Climate change will increase the frequency and magnitude of extreme weather events and
create risks that will impact health care facilities. Health care facilities will need to assess …
create risks that will impact health care facilities. Health care facilities will need to assess …
An intensified mode of variability modulating the summer heat waves in eastern Europe and northern China
This study investigates the leading pattern of Eurasian summer heat waves (HWs) using
observed and simulated data sets and reveals an intensified mode of variability that bridges …
observed and simulated data sets and reveals an intensified mode of variability that bridges …
Changes in the frequency and intensity of extreme temperature events and human health concerns
Extreme temperature events (ETEs), both hot and cold, have received much attention in the
literature because of their adverse impacts upon society, in particular human health. Under …
literature because of their adverse impacts upon society, in particular human health. Under …
Heat protection behaviour in the UK: results of an online survey after the 2013 heatwave
Abstract Background The Heatwave Plan for England provides guidance for personal and
home protection measures during heatwaves. Although studies in the USA, Australia and …
home protection measures during heatwaves. Although studies in the USA, Australia and …
Mortality during the 2013 heatwave in England–how did it compare to previous heatwaves? A retrospective observational study
Heatwaves are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity as a result of climate
change. The health impacts of these events can be significant, particularly for vulnerable …
change. The health impacts of these events can be significant, particularly for vulnerable …
[HTML][HTML] Heat protection behaviors and positive affect about heat during the 2013 heat wave in the United Kingdom
Heat waves pose serious health risks, and are expected to become more frequent, longer
lasting, and more intense in the future under a changing climate. Yet, people in the UK seem …
lasting, and more intense in the future under a changing climate. Yet, people in the UK seem …