Practical secure computation outsourcing: A survey

Z Shan, K Ren, M Blanton, C Wang - ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 2018‏ -
The rapid development of cloud computing promotes a wide deployment of data and
computation outsourcing to cloud service providers by resource-limited entities. Based on a …

Verifying computations without reexecuting them

M Walfish, AJ Blumberg - Communications of the ACM, 2015‏ -
Verifying computations without reexecuting them Page 1 74 COMMUNICATIONS OF THE ACM
| FEBRUARY 2015 | VOL. 58 | NO. 2 review articles DOI:10.1145/2641562 From theoretical …

zkbridge: Trustless cross-chain bridges made practical

T **e, J Zhang, Z Cheng, F Zhang, Y Zhang… - Proceedings of the …, 2022‏ -
Blockchains have seen growing traction with cryptocurrencies reaching a market cap of over
1 trillion dollars, major institution investors taking interests, and global impacts on …

Advances and open problems in federated learning

P Kairouz, HB McMahan, B Avent… - … and trends® in …, 2021‏ -
Federated learning (FL) is a machine learning setting where many clients (eg, mobile
devices or whole organizations) collaboratively train a model under the orchestration of a …

Marlin: Preprocessing zkSNARKs with universal and updatable SRS

A Chiesa, Y Hu, M Maller, P Mishra, N Vesely… - Advances in Cryptology …, 2020‏ - Springer
We present a methodology to construct preprocessing zkSNARKs where the structured
reference string (SRS) is universal and updatable. This exploits a novel use of holography …

Bulletproofs: Short proofs for confidential transactions and more

B Bünz, J Bootle, D Boneh, A Poelstra… - … IEEE symposium on …, 2018‏ -
We propose Bulletproofs, a new non-interactive zero-knowledge proof protocol with very
short proofs and without a trusted setup; the proof size is only logarithmic in the witness size …

Mip*= re

Z Ji, A Natarajan, T Vidick, J Wright… - Communications of the …, 2021‏ -
Note from the Research Highlights Co-Chairs: A Research Highlights paper appearing in
Communications is usually peer-reviewed prior to publication. The following paper is …

Orion: Zero knowledge proof with linear prover time

T **e, Y Zhang, D Song - Annual International Cryptology Conference, 2022‏ - Springer
Zero-knowledge proof is a powerful cryptographic primitive that has found various
applications in the real world. However, existing schemes with succinct proof size suffer from …

Transparent SNARKs from DARK compilers

B Bünz, B Fisch, A Szepieniec - … on the Theory and Applications of …, 2020‏ - Springer
We construct a new polynomial commitment scheme for univariate and multivariate
polynomials over finite fields, with logarithmic size evaluation proofs and verification time …

Sonic: Zero-knowledge SNARKs from linear-size universal and updatable structured reference strings

M Maller, S Bowe, M Kohlweiss… - Proceedings of the 2019 …, 2019‏ -
Ever since their introduction, zero-knowledge proofs have become an important tool for
addressing privacy and scalability concerns in a variety of applications. In many systems …