The emergence of hydrogeophysics for improved understanding of subsurface processes over multiple scales
Geophysics provides a multidimensional suite of investigative methods that are transforming
our ability to see into the very fabric of the subsurface environment, and monitor the …
our ability to see into the very fabric of the subsurface environment, and monitor the …
Physical constraints affecting bacterial habitats and activity in unsaturated porous media–a review
The immense diversity of microbial life found in the vadose zone reflects the extremely
heterogeneous and highly dynamic aquatic and chemical environments formed within soil …
heterogeneous and highly dynamic aquatic and chemical environments formed within soil …
[КНИГА][B] Resistivity and induced polarization: Theory and applications to the near-surface earth
Resistivity and induced polarization methods are used for a wide range of near-surface
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
applications, including hydrogeology, civil engineering and archaeology, as well as …
Vanadate bio-detoxification driven by pyrrhotite with secondary mineral formation
Vanadium (V) is a redox-sensitive heavy-metal contaminant whose environmental mobility is
strongly influenced by pyrrhotite, a widely distributed iron sulfide mineral. However …
strongly influenced by pyrrhotite, a widely distributed iron sulfide mineral. However …
Bio-mediated soil improvement
JT DeJong, BM Mortensen, BC Martinez… - Ecological …, 2010 - Elsevier
New, exciting opportunities for utilizing biological processes to modify the engineering
properties of the subsurface (eg strength, stiffness, permeability) have recently emerged …
properties of the subsurface (eg strength, stiffness, permeability) have recently emerged …
An overview of the spectral induced polarization method for near‐surface applications
Over the last 15 years significant advancements in induced polarization (IP) research have
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
taken place, particularly with respect to spectral IP (SIP), concerning the understanding of …
Some low-frequency electrical methods for subsurface characterization and monitoring in hydrogeology
Low-frequency geoelectrical methods include mainly self-potential, resistivity, and induced
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
polarization techniques, which have potential in many environmental and hydrogeological …
Lithotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria produce organic stalks to control mineral growth: implications for biosignature formation
Abstract Neutrophilic Fe-oxidizing bacteria (FeOB) are often identified by their distinctive
morphologies, such as the extracellular twisted ribbon-like stalks formed by Gallionella …
morphologies, such as the extracellular twisted ribbon-like stalks formed by Gallionella …
Sulfate-reducing bacteria influence the nucleation and growth of mackinawite and greigite
Sedimentary iron sulfide minerals play a key role in maintaining the oxygenation of Earth's
atmosphere over geological timescales; they also record critical geochemical information …
atmosphere over geological timescales; they also record critical geochemical information …
Geophysical characterisation of the groundwater–surface water interface
Interactions between groundwater (GW) and surface water (SW) have important implications
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …
for water quantity, water quality, and ecological health. The subsurface region proximal to …