Theory of nuclear fission

N Schunck, D Regnier - Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 2022 - Elsevier
Atomic nuclei are quantum many-body systems of protons and neutrons held together by
strong nuclear forces. Under the proper conditions, nuclei can break into two (sometimes …

Microscopic theory of nuclear fission: a review

N Schunck, LM Robledo - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2016 -
This article reviews how nuclear fission is described within nuclear density functional theory.
A distinction should be made between spontaneous fission, where half-lives are the main …

Future of nuclear fission theory

M Bender, R Bernard, G Bertsch, S Chiba… - Journal of Physics G …, 2020 -
There has been much recent interest in nuclear fission, due in part to a new appreciation of
its relevance to astrophysics, stability of superheavy elements, and fundamental theory of …

Review on the progress in nuclear fission—experimental methods and theoretical descriptions

KH Schmidt, B Jurado - Reports on Progress in Physics, 2018 -
An overview is given on some of the main advances in the experimental methods,
experimental results, theoretical models and ideas of the last few years in the field of nuclear …

Induced Fission of within a Real-Time Microscopic Framework

A Bulgac, P Magierski, KJ Roche, I Stetcu - Physical review letters, 2016 - APS
We describe the fissioning dynamics of Pu 240 from a configuration in the proximity of the
outer fission barrier to full scission and the formation of the fragments within an …

r-process nucleosynthesis: Connecting rare-isotope beam facilities with the cosmos

CJ Horowitz, A Arcones, B Cote… - Journal of Physics G …, 2019 -
This is an exciting time for the study of r-process nucleosynthesis. Recently, a neutron star
merger GW170817 was observed in extraordinary detail with gravitational waves and …

Fission fragment charge and mass distributions in in the adiabatic nuclear energy density functional theory

D Regnier, N Dubray, N Schunck, M Verriere - Physical Review C, 2016 - APS
Background: Accurate knowledge of fission fragment yields is an essential ingredient of
numerous applications ranging from the formation of elements in the r process to fuel cycle …

Fission fragment decay simulations with the CGMF code

P Talou, I Stetcu, P Jaffke, ME Rising, AE Lovell… - Computer Physics …, 2021 - Elsevier
The CGMF code implements the Hauser-Feshbach statistical nuclear reaction model to
follow the de-excitation of fission fragments by successive emissions of prompt neutrons and …

Fission dynamics of from saddle to scission and beyond

A Bulgac, S **, KJ Roche, N Schunck, I Stetcu - Physical Review C, 2019 - APS
Calculations are presented for the time evolution of Pu 240 from the proximity of the outer
saddle point until the fission fragments are well separated, using the time-dependent density …

Angular momentum of fission fragments from microscopic theory

P Marević, N Schunck, J Randrup, R Vogt - Physical Review C, 2021 - APS
During nuclear fission, a heavy nucleus splits into two rotating fragments. The associated
angular momentum is large, yet the mechanism of its generation and its dependence on the …