[HTML][HTML] Environment indoor air quality assessment using fuzzy inference system

BW Dionova, MN Mohammed, S Al-Zubaidi, E Yusuf - Ict Express, 2020 - Elsevier
Environment indoor quality (EIQ) is a significant aspect of the built environment to maintain
occupant health, comfort, prosperity and productivity. One of the most critical issues on EIQ …

Design and simulation of environment indoor air quality monitoring and controlling system using IoT technology

BW Dionova, D Hendrawati… - … Technology and Its …, 2023 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Environment indoor quality (EIQ) is a multifaceted problem encompassing a broad range
and fluctuation of contaminants that pose risks to human health, satisfaction, welfare, and …

Iot based–automated indoor air quality and lpg leak detection control system using support vector machine

PR Meris, E Dimaunahan, JCD Cruz… - 2020 11th IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The rapid increase of population every year causes a great distress in the environment. Air
pollution is becoming more imminent due to emissions from transportation, urbanization …

Air quality monitoring intelligent system using machine learning techniques

PD Rosero-Montalvo… - 2018 International …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Environment monitoring is so important because it is based on the first right of people, life
and health. For this reason, this system monitoring air quality with different sensor nodes in …

[Regular Paper] Biomedical Data Acquisition and Processing to Recognize Emotions for Affective Learning

A Gruenewald, D Kroenert, J Poehler… - 2018 ieee 18th …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Emotion recognition is a increasingly popular topic because of its potential applications in
the field of affective learning. It allows the development of systems able to adapt themselves …

[HTML][HTML] Effect of hotel air quality management on guests' cognitive and affective images and revisit intentions

J Park, JL Yoo, J Yu - … Journal of Environmental Research and Public …, 2021 - mdpi.com
Although city air pollution levels significantly affect the hotel industry, few studies have
addressed the impact of air quality management on guests' cognitive and affective image …

[PDF][PDF] Real time implementation of air quality monitoring system using IoT and ubidots

P Satyanarayana, R Narmadha - International Journal of Recent …, 2019 - researchgate.net
Nowadays air pollution is main distress for the human being, as it is demeaning the green
health and inhale the pollutant air is hazardous for the health of the human being. Because …

Monitoring and analysis of air quality for community empowerment in Environmental Health

CC Ordoñez, J López, HA Guañarita… - Journal of Physics …, 2019 - iopscience.iop.org
The emission of greenhouse gases has increased dramatically. Among these, carbon
monoxide (CO) has been identified as having the greatest negative impact on human health …

Design of a Modular System for Measurement of Ambient Environmental Parameters" MSMAEP" for indoor environment quality assessment

MH Sassi, A Karoui, M Ayadi… - 2021 IEEE 2nd …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Nowadays the conditions of interior comfort in a workspace has become a serious matter.
On the one hand by the owner of the space but above all for his occupants. The question of …

A model-driven alarms framework (MAF) with mobile clients support for wide-ranging industrial control systems

H Tufail, F Azam, MW Anwar, MN Zafar… - IEEE …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
An efficient and robust alarms management is an extremely desirable feature to prevent
critical failures in modern Industrial Control Systems. Generally, alarm systems are …