Hypoxia and the antipredator behaviours of fishes

P Domenici, C Lefrançois… - … Transactions of the …, 2007 - royalsocietypublishing.org
Hypoxia is a phenomenon occurring in marine coastal areas with increasing frequency.
While hypoxia has been documented to affect fish activity and metabolism, recent evidence …

[КНИГА][B] Handbook of freshwater fishery biology

KD Carlander - 1951 - books.google.com
Mr. Carlander has done an excellent job of assembling life-history data (growth, length-
weight relationships, condition indices, fecundity, etc.) for more than 160 species of …

[КНИГА][B] Water pollution and fish physiology

AG Heath - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This book provides a concise synthesis of how toxic chemical pollutants affect physiological
processes in teleost fish. This Second Edition of the well-received Water Pollution and Fish …

[КНИГА][B] Migration of freshwater fishes

M Lucas, E Baras - 2008 - books.google.com
Recent studies have increasingly demonstrated the widespread existence of spatio-
temporal variations in the abundance and distribution of species of freshwater fishes …

Diel vertical migrations of marine fishes: an obligate or facultative process?

JD Neilson, RI Perry - Advances in marine biology, 1990 - Elsevier
Publisher Summary Diel vertical migrations are cyclic changes in the position of aquatic
organisms in the water column that occur with 24-h periodicity. Such movements occur at …

Response of Atlantic salmon Salmo salar to temperature and dissolved oxygen extremes established using animal-borne environmental sensors

KM Stehfest, CG Carter, JD McAllister, JD Ross… - Scientific reports, 2017 - nature.com
Understanding how aquatic species respond to extremes of DO and temperature is crucial
for determining how they will be affected by climate change, which is predicted to …

Environmental biology of percid fishes

ZS Feiner, TO Höök - Biology and culture of percid fishes: principles and …, 2015 - Springer
The large percids, including Perca and Sander species, are economically and ecologically
important species that inhabit large temperature regions of the Northern Hemisphere. In this …

Episodic hypoxia in Chesapeake Bay: interacting effects of recruitment, behavior, and physical disturbance

DL Breitburg - Ecological Monographs, 1992 - Wiley Online Library
Physical disturbance can be an important force at the individual, population, and community
levels of organization. The effects of disturbance may differ for mobile and sessile …

Contrasting impacts of a native and alien macrophyte on dissolved oxygen in a large river

NF Caraco, JJ Cole - Ecological Applications, 2002 - Wiley Online Library
In aquatic systems low dissolved oxygen (DO) has been identified as a serious water quality
problem. Here we use empirical data and modeling to explore the hypothesis that the …

[HTML][HTML] Zooplankton community responses to oxygen stress

M Karpowicz, J Ejsmont-Karabin, J Kozłowska… - Water, 2020 - mdpi.com
Recent changes in climate and eutrophication have caused increases in oxygen depletion
in both freshwater and marine ecosystems. However, the impact of oxygen stress on …