Air pollution: A systematic review of its psychological, economic, and social effects

JG Lu - Current opinion in psychology, 2020 - Elsevier
Highlights•This review (178 published articles) systematically examines the psychological,
economic, and social effects of air pollution.•It is important to distinguish between the effects …

Projected behavioral impacts of global climate change

GW Evans - Annual review of psychology, 2019 -
The projected behavioral impacts of global climate change emanate from environmental
changes including temperature elevation, extreme weather events, and rising air pollution …

Climate anxiety: Psychological responses to climate change

S Clayton - Journal of anxiety disorders, 2020 - Elsevier
Climate change will affect psychological wellbeing. Substantial research has documented
harmful impacts on physical health, mental health, and social relations from exposure to …

Nurturing nature: How brain development is inherently social and emotional, and what this means for education

MH Immordino-Yang, L Darling-Hammond… - Educational …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
New advances in neurobiology are revealing that brain development and the learning it
enables are directly dependent on social-emotional experience. Growing bodies of research …

Environmental exposures and depression: biological mechanisms and epidemiological evidence

M van den Bosch… - Annual review of public …, 2019 -
Mental health and well-being are consistently influenced—directly or indirectly—by multiple
environmental exposures. In this review, we have attempted to address some of the most …

Outdoor air pollution and brain development in childhood and adolescence

MM Herting, KL Bottenhorn, DC Payne-Sturges, TK Taiwo, K Ellickson… - Environmental …, 2023 -
Background: Children are routinely exposed to chemicals known or suspected of harming
brain development. Targeting Environmental Neuro-Development Risks (Project TENDR) …

Outdoor air pollution and brain structure and function from across childhood to young adulthood: a methodological review of brain MRI studies

MM Herting, D Younan, CE Campbell… - Frontiers in public …, 2019 -
Outdoor air pollution has been recognized as a novel environmental neurotoxin. Studies
have begun to use brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) to investigate how air pollution …

Protecting playgrounds: local-scale reduction of airborne particulate matter concentrations through particulate deposition on roadside 'tredges'(green infrastructure)

BA Maher, T Gonet, VV Karloukovski, H Wang… - Scientific Reports, 2022 -
Exposure to traffic-related particulate air pollution has been linked with excess risks for a
range of cardiovascular, respiratory and neurological health outcomes; risks likely to be …