Automated generation of attack trees with optimal shape and labelling
The problem this article addresses is, given a formal specification of a system, how to
produce an attack tree that correctly and clearly describes the ways the system can be …
produce an attack tree that correctly and clearly describes the ways the system can be …
Streamlining Attack Tree Generation: A Fragment-Based Approach
Attack graphs are a tool for analyzing security vulnerabilities that capture different and
prospective attacks on a system. As a threat modeling tool, it shows possible paths that an …
prospective attacks on a system. As a threat modeling tool, it shows possible paths that an …
Modelling and Analysing Cybersecurity Risks Using Attack Fault Trees and Game Theory
L Skenderagić - 2024 -
Cybersecurity risks can be investigated through Attack Fault Trees (AFTs), which integrate
both safety and security aspects of a system in a novel way. Despite their potential, there is …
both safety and security aspects of a system in a novel way. Despite their potential, there is …
A hybrid self-adaptation framework for securing cyber-physical systems using Markov models and attack trees
L Poletti - 2023 -
In todays world of technology use physical systems (CPS) play a crucial role, in various
important sectors like healthcare, transportation and energy management. These …
important sectors like healthcare, transportation and energy management. These …