Induction of labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term
Background Beyond term, the risks of stillbirth or neonatal death increase. It is unclear
whether a policy of labour induction can reduce these risks. This Cochrane review is an …
whether a policy of labour induction can reduce these risks. This Cochrane review is an …
Induction of labour at or beyond 37 weeks' gestation
Background Risks of stillbirth or neonatal death increase as gestation continues beyond
term (around 40 weeks' gestation). It is unclear whether a policy of labour induction can …
term (around 40 weeks' gestation). It is unclear whether a policy of labour induction can …
Cytokine patterns in maternal serum from first trimester to term and beyond
Pregnancy implies delicate immunological balance between two individuals, with constant
changes and adaptions in response to maternal capacity and fetal demands. We performed …
changes and adaptions in response to maternal capacity and fetal demands. We performed …
Induction of labour for improving birth outcomes for women at or beyond term
AM Gülmezoglu, CA Crowther… - … of systematic reviews, 2012 -
Background As a pregnancy continues beyond term the risks of babies dying inside the
womb or in the immediate newborn period increase. Whether a policy of labour induction at …
womb or in the immediate newborn period increase. Whether a policy of labour induction at …
Postterm pregnancy
Postterm pregnancy is a pregnancy that extends to 42 weeks of gestation or beyond. Fetal,
neonatal and maternal complications associated with this condition have always been …
neonatal and maternal complications associated with this condition have always been …
Stillbirths: what difference can we make and at what cost?
Summary Worldwide, 2· 65 million (uncertainty range 2· 08 million to 3· 79 million) stillbirths
occur yearly, of which 98% occur in countries of low and middle income. Despite the fact that …
occur yearly, of which 98% occur in countries of low and middle income. Despite the fact that …
Induction of labour at 41 weeks versus expectant management until 42 weeks (INDEX): multicentre, randomised non-inferiority trial
JKJ Keulen, A Bruinsma, JC Kortekaas, J Van Dillen… - bmj, 2019 -
Objective To compare induction of labour at 41 weeks with expectant management until 42
weeks in low risk women. Design Open label, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial …
weeks in low risk women. Design Open label, randomised controlled non-inferiority trial …
Induction of labour at 41 weeks or expectant management until 42 weeks: a systematic review and an individual participant data meta-analysis of randomised trials
M Alkmark, JKJ Keulen, JC Kortekaas, C Bergh… - PLoS …, 2020 -
Background The risk of perinatal death and severe neonatal morbidity increases gradually
after 41 weeks of pregnancy. Several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have assessed if …
after 41 weeks of pregnancy. Several randomised controlled trials (RCTs) have assessed if …
Prolonged and post-term pregnancies: guidelines for clinical practice from the French College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (CNGOF)
C Vayssière, JB Haumonte, A Chantry… - European Journal of …, 2013 - Elsevier
The duration of pregnancy varies between 40+ 0 and 41+ 3 weeks. Conventionally, and
essentially arbitrarily, a pregnancy is considered to be “prolonged” after 41+ 0 weeks, but …
essentially arbitrarily, a pregnancy is considered to be “prolonged” after 41+ 0 weeks, but …
Maternal body mass index and post‐term birth: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
Post‐term birth is a preventable cause of perinatal mortality and severe morbidity. This
review examined the association between maternal body mass index (BMI) and post‐term …
review examined the association between maternal body mass index (BMI) and post‐term …