A declarative query language for scientific machine learning
The popularity of data science as a discipline and its importance in the emerging economy
and industrial progress dictate that machine learning be democratized for the masses. This …
and industrial progress dictate that machine learning be democratized for the masses. This …
Domain-independent dynamic programming
R Kuroiwa - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Dynamic programming (DP) is a framework used in multiple disciplines to solve decision-
making problems. In particular, in computer science and operations research (OR), DP …
making problems. In particular, in computer science and operations research (OR), DP …
[PDF][PDF] Smart choices and the selection monad
Describing systems in terms of choices and their resulting costs and rewards offers the
promise of freeing algorithm designers and programmers from specifying how those choices …
promise of freeing algorithm designers and programmers from specifying how those choices …
Understanding the Logic of Direct Preference Alignment through Logic
Recent direct preference alignment algorithms (DPA), such as DPO, have shown great
promise in aligning large language models to human preferences. While this has motivated …
promise in aligning large language models to human preferences. While this has motivated …
The Temporal Vadalog System: Temporal Datalog-based Reasoning
In the wake of the recent resurgence of the Datalog language of databases, together with its
extensions for ontological reasoning settings, this work aims to bridge the gap between the …
extensions for ontological reasoning settings, this work aims to bridge the gap between the …
Evaluation of logic programs with built-ins and aggregation: A calculus for bag relations
We present a scheme for translating logic programs, which may use aggregation and
arithmetic, into algebraic expressions that denote bag relations over ground terms of the …
arithmetic, into algebraic expressions that denote bag relations over ground terms of the …
Automating the Analysis and Improvement of Dynamic Programming Algorithms with Applications to Natural Language Processing
T Vieira - 2023 - jscholarship.library.jhu.edu
This thesis develops a system for automatically analyzing and improving dynamic programs,
such as those that have driven progress in natural language processing and computer …
such as those that have driven progress in natural language processing and computer …
Dyna 2: Towards a general weighted logic language
NW Filardo - 2017 - jscholarship.library.jhu.edu
We investigate the design of an expressive, purely-declarative, weighted logic programming
language, Dyna. Dyna is a decade-plus effort in pushing the boundaries of declarative …
language, Dyna. Dyna is a decade-plus effort in pushing the boundaries of declarative …
Generative Datalog and Answer Set Programming–Extended Abstract
Generative Datalog is an extension of Datalog that incorporates constructs for referencing
parameterized probability distributions. This augmentation transforms the evaluation of a …
parameterized probability distributions. This augmentation transforms the evaluation of a …
M hew Francis-Landau - 2024 - matthewfl.com
I present a new approach to implementing weighted logic programming languages. I first
present a bag-relational algebra that is expressive enough to capture the desired …
present a bag-relational algebra that is expressive enough to capture the desired …