Petrochronology based on REE-minerals: monazite, allanite, xenotime, apatite
Monazite, xenotime, and allanite are REE 1-minerals sensu stricto because lanthanides
(La… Lu) and yttrium are critical constituents in them. Apatite does not require REE, but …
(La… Lu) and yttrium are critical constituents in them. Apatite does not require REE, but …
[HTML][HTML] Sources of bias in detrital zircon geochronology: Discordance, concealed lead loss and common lead correction
The distribution pattern of U-Pb ages of detrital zircon in a sedimentary rock is commonly
assumed to reflect the ages of igneous or metamorphic processes in rocks that have …
assumed to reflect the ages of igneous or metamorphic processes in rocks that have …
Visualizing, interpreting and comparing detrital zircon age and Hf isotope data in basin analysis–a graphical approach
The development of fast and reliable instrumental methods for U‐Pb dating and Lu‐Hf
isotope analysis of zircon has caused detrital zircon to become a popular provenance …
isotope analysis of zircon has caused detrital zircon to become a popular provenance …
The European continental crust through detrital zircons from modern rivers: Testing representativity of detrital zircon U-Pb geochronology
With the aim of testing the representativity of detrital zircon U-Pb datasets, we combine new
and published data from 31 large river systems in Europe and compare this information with …
and published data from 31 large river systems in Europe and compare this information with …
Mesoarchaean to Neoproterozoic (3.2–0.8 Ga) crustal growth and reworking in the Aravalli Craton, northwestern India: Insights from the Pur-Banera supracrustal belt
Abstract The Banded Gneissic Complex (BGC) of the Aravalli Craton in Rajasthan,
northwestern India, forms the Archaean basement to the major, extensively studied …
northwestern India, forms the Archaean basement to the major, extensively studied …
Maximising data and precision from detrital zircon U-Pb analysis by LA-ICPMS: The use of core-rim ages and the single-analysis concordia age
U-Pb detrital zircon geochronology is a powerful and well-established tool in provenance
studies. Modern analytical techniques (particularly LA-ICPMS) increasingly facilitate the …
studies. Modern analytical techniques (particularly LA-ICPMS) increasingly facilitate the …
The zircon evidence of temporally changing sediment transport—the NW Gondwana margin during Cambrian to Devonian time (Aoucert and Smara areas, Moroccan …
Detrital zircon provenance studies are an established tool to develop palaeogeographic
models, mostly based on zircon of siliciclastic rocks and isotope data. But zircon is more …
models, mostly based on zircon of siliciclastic rocks and isotope data. But zircon is more …
[HTML][HTML] Modeling apparent Pb loss in zircon U–Pb geochronology
The loss of radiogenic Pb from zircon is known to be a major factor that can cause
inaccuracy in the U–Pb geochronological system; hence, there is a need to better …
inaccuracy in the U–Pb geochronological system; hence, there is a need to better …
Northeast São Francisco Craton and West-Congo Craton linked before the Rhyacian (2.10–2.04 Ga) orogeny: Evidences from provenance and U-Pb ages of …
The period between the Rhyacian and Orosirian is known for the development of many
orogenic belts and supracrustal sequences, which can be found in different cratons …
orogenic belts and supracrustal sequences, which can be found in different cratons …
[HTML][HTML] Constraints on the ages of the crystalline basement and Palaeozoic cover exposed in the Cordillera real, Ecuador: 40Ar/39Ar analyses and detrital zircon U …
Gabbros and ultramafic rocks of the Huarguallá Gabbro unit exposed in faulted slivers along
the western Cordillera Real of Ecuador crystallised between 623 and 531 Ma (40 Ar/39 Ar …
the western Cordillera Real of Ecuador crystallised between 623 and 531 Ma (40 Ar/39 Ar …