Band structure engineering and non-equilibrium dynamics in Floquet topological insulators
Non-equilibrium topological phenomena can be induced in quantum many-body systems
using time-periodic fields (for example, by laser or microwave illumination). This Review …
using time-periodic fields (for example, by laser or microwave illumination). This Review …
Topological metamaterials
The topological properties of an object, associated with an integer called the topological
invariant, are global features that cannot change continuously but only through abrupt …
invariant, are global features that cannot change continuously but only through abrupt …
[หนังสือ][B] The Jaynes–Cummings model and its descendants: modern research directions
J Larson, T Mavrogordatos - 2021 - iopscience.iop.org
The Jaynes–Cummings Model (JCM) has recently been receiving increased attention as
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …
one of the simplest, yet intricately nonlinear, models of quantum physics. Emphasising the …
Cavity QED with quantum gases: new paradigms in many-body physics
We review the recent developments and the current status in the field of quantum-gas cavity
QED. Since the first experimental demonstration of atomic self-ordering in a system …
QED. Since the first experimental demonstration of atomic self-ordering in a system …
Roadmap on topological photonics
Topological photonics seeks to control the behaviour of the light through the design of
protected topological modes in photonic structures. While this approach originated from …
protected topological modes in photonic structures. While this approach originated from …
A topological quantum optics interface
The application of topology in optics has led to a new paradigm in develo** photonic
devices with robust properties against disorder. Although considerable progress on …
devices with robust properties against disorder. Although considerable progress on …
Non-Abelian braiding on photonic chips
Non-Abelian braiding has attracted substantial attention because of its pivotal role in
describing the exchange behaviour of anyons—candidates for realizing quantum logics. The …
describing the exchange behaviour of anyons—candidates for realizing quantum logics. The …
Roadmap on structured light
Structured light refers to the generation and application of custom light fields. As the tools
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
and technology to create and detect structured light have evolved, steadily the applications …
Colloquium: Atomic quantum gases in periodically driven optical lattices
A Eckardt - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2017 - APS
Time-periodic forcing in the form of coherent radiation is a standard tool for the coherent
manipulation of small quantum systems like single atoms. In the last years, periodic driving …
manipulation of small quantum systems like single atoms. In the last years, periodic driving …
Nonlinear waves in -symmetric systems
Recent progress on nonlinear properties of parity-time (PT)-symmetric systems is
comprehensively reviewed in this article. PT symmetry started out in non-Hermitian quantum …
comprehensively reviewed in this article. PT symmetry started out in non-Hermitian quantum …