Renewable energy and biodiversity: Implications for transitioning to a Green Economy
This literature review identifies the impacts of different renewable energy pathways on
ecosystems and biodiversity, and the implications of these impacts for transitioning to a …
ecosystems and biodiversity, and the implications of these impacts for transitioning to a …
Bioenergy for climate change mitigation: Scale and sustainability
Many global climate change mitigation pathways presented in IPCC assessment reports rely
heavily on the deployment of bioenergy, often used in conjunction with carbon capture and …
heavily on the deployment of bioenergy, often used in conjunction with carbon capture and …
Pronounced increases in future soil erosion and sediment deposition as influenced by Freeze–Thaw Cycles in the Upper Mississippi River Basin
Soil erosion and sediment deposition are relevant to multiple important ecosystem services
essential for natural and human systems. The present study aims to project future soil …
essential for natural and human systems. The present study aims to project future soil …
Freeze-Thaw cycle representation alters response of watershed hydrology to future climate change
Hydrologic models are widely used for projecting influences of changing climate on water
resources. In this study, we compared the original Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) …
resources. In this study, we compared the original Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) …
[PDF][PDF] Sustainability impacts of first-generation biofuels
• Major impacts include greenhouse gas emissions, atmospheric pollution, water
overconsumption and pollution, deforestation, biodiversity loss, rural development, food …
overconsumption and pollution, deforestation, biodiversity loss, rural development, food …
Landscape composition influences pollinators and pollination services in perennial biofuel plantings
Biofuel crop** systems are considered a potential source of renewable energy and an
integral component of a sustainable energy policy. The type of biofuel crop selected for …
integral component of a sustainable energy policy. The type of biofuel crop selected for …
Environmental implications of higher ethanol production and use in the US: A literature review. Part I–Impacts on water, soil, and air quality
To address issues of energy security and greenhouse gas (GHG) mitigation, substantial
amounts of corn-derived ethanol are used in US gasoline. Currently, ethanol comprises 10 …
amounts of corn-derived ethanol are used in US gasoline. Currently, ethanol comprises 10 …
Nitrate loading projection is sensitive to freeze-thaw cycle representation
Climate change can have substantial impacts on nitrogen runoff, which is a major cause of
eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and hypoxia in freshwaters and coastal regions. We …
eutrophication, harmful algal blooms, and hypoxia in freshwaters and coastal regions. We …
Investigation of biochemical biorefinery sizing and environmental sustainability impacts for conventional bale system and advanced uniform biomass logistics designs
Abstract The 2011 US Billion‐Ton Update 1 estimates that there are enough agricultural and
forest resources to sustainably provide enough biomass to displace approximately 30% of …
forest resources to sustainably provide enough biomass to displace approximately 30% of …
Marginal land suitability for switchgrass, Miscanthus and hybrid poplar in the Upper Mississippi River Basin (UMRB)
Marginal lands are recommended as a viable land resource for biofeedstocks production,
but their suitability for biofeedstock crops growth are poorly understood. This study assessed …
but their suitability for biofeedstock crops growth are poorly understood. This study assessed …