Toward targeted interventions: examining the science behind interventions for youth who offend
Youthful offending is a complex behavior that develops from an interaction between social
experiences and individual differences in thinking patterns and emotional reactions favoring …
experiences and individual differences in thinking patterns and emotional reactions favoring …
[HTML][HTML] Effects of parenting practices through deviant peers on nonviolent and violent antisocial behaviours in middle-and late-adolescence
The aim of the current study was to analyse in two age cohorts the presence of mediation
effects of parenting practices (ie, parental knowledge, parental support, parent-adolescent …
effects of parenting practices (ie, parental knowledge, parental support, parent-adolescent …
Longitudinal effects of parenting mediated by deviant peers on violent and non-violent antisocial behaviour and substance use in adolescence
The current work aimed to analyse the prospective effects of parenting practices on
adolescent problematic behaviour taking into account the mediation effects of deviant …
adolescent problematic behaviour taking into account the mediation effects of deviant …
Late childhood interpersonal callousness and conduct problem trajectories interact to predict adult psychopathy
Background Studies have demonstrated a robust association between interpersonal
callousness (IC) and the development of severe and chronic conduct problems (CP) in …
callousness (IC) and the development of severe and chronic conduct problems (CP) in …
Socioeconomic status and racism as fundamental causes of street criminality
The theory of fundamental causes in medical sociology identifies socioeconomic status and
racism as fundamental causes of disease and health disparities. We draw on this theory to …
racism as fundamental causes of disease and health disparities. We draw on this theory to …
Parenting and prenatal risk as moderators of genetic influences on conduct problems during middle childhood.
This study examines interactions of heritable influences, prenatal substance use, and
postnatal parental warmth and hostility on the development of conduct problems in middle …
postnatal parental warmth and hostility on the development of conduct problems in middle …
Deviant peers and adolescent risky behaviors: The protective effect of nonverbal display of parental warmth
This study examines whether nonverbal displays of parents' warmth during an in‐lab conflict
discussion mitigate the links between affiliation with deviant peers and risky behaviors. A …
discussion mitigate the links between affiliation with deviant peers and risky behaviors. A …
[หนังสือ][B] An introduction to criminal psychology
R Durrant - 2018 - taylorfrancis.com
This book offers a clear, up-to-date, comprehensive, and theoretically informed introduction
to criminal psychology, exploring how psychological explanations and approaches can be …
to criminal psychology, exploring how psychological explanations and approaches can be …
Examining predictors of callous unemotional traits trajectories across adolescence among high-risk males
Among high-risk youth, those with high levels of callous unemotional (CU) traits show more
severe and chronic forms of antisocial behavior. Although ecological models have linked …
severe and chronic forms of antisocial behavior. Although ecological models have linked …
Parenting boys with conduct problems and callous-unemotional traits: parent and child perspectives
Parenting children with conduct problems (CP) is challenging, yet very little research has
examined parenting using both quantitative and qualitative methods, from the perspective of …
examined parenting using both quantitative and qualitative methods, from the perspective of …