Data matters: The politics and practices of digital border and migration management
Data matter more than ever in the regulation of borders and migration. An apt illustration of
how movement is enabled or restricted by data collection and analytics was recently …
how movement is enabled or restricted by data collection and analytics was recently …
Reinventing the politics of knowledge production in migration studies: Introduction to the special issue
This special issue (SI) calls for reinventing the politics of knowledge production in migration
studies. Academic migration research should make knowledge production an essential part …
studies. Academic migration research should make knowledge production an essential part …
Border security and the digitalisation of sovereignty: insights from EU borderwork
ABSTRACT The European Union's effort at controlling its external borders is an endeavour
that increasingly relies on digital systems: from tools for information gathering and …
that increasingly relies on digital systems: from tools for information gathering and …
The politics of (non-) knowledge at Europe's borders: Errors, fakes, and subjectivity
From statistical calculations to psychological knowledge, from profiling to scenario planning,
and from biometric data to predictive algorithms, International Relations scholars have shed …
and from biometric data to predictive algorithms, International Relations scholars have shed …
Neither opaque nor transparent: A transdisciplinary methodology to investigate datafication at the EU borders
In 2020, the European Union announced the award of the contract for the biometric part of
the new database for border control, the Entry Exit System, to two companies: IDEMIA and …
the new database for border control, the Entry Exit System, to two companies: IDEMIA and …
Crisis', control and circulation: Biometric surveillance in the policing of the 'crimmigrant other
Automated facial recognition, the use of dactyloscopic data and advanced forensic DNA
analyses are becoming dominant technological surveillance means for …
analyses are becoming dominant technological surveillance means for …
Formatting European security integration through database interoperability
In this article, we explore the security politics of EU database interoperability, inquiring how
knowledge infrastructures underpin European security integration. Sitting at the intersection …
knowledge infrastructures underpin European security integration. Sitting at the intersection …
Epidermal politics: Control, violence and dissent at the biometric border
In this paper, we critically interrogate the registration of migrants in pan-European, large-
scale biometric databases, like Eurodac (European Asylum Dactyloscopy Database). We …
scale biometric databases, like Eurodac (European Asylum Dactyloscopy Database). We …
Autonomy of migration and the radical imagination: Exploring alternative imaginaries within a biometric border
P Metcalfe - Geopolitics, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper discusses biometric borders in Europe, focusing on the Eurodac database and
practises of fingerprinting people on the move in Greece as a politicised attempt to control …
practises of fingerprinting people on the move in Greece as a politicised attempt to control …
Digital solutions for migrant and refugee health: a framework for analysis and action
Digital technologies can help support the health of migrants and refugees and facilitate
research on their health issues. However, ethical concerns include security and …
research on their health issues. However, ethical concerns include security and …