Autonomous closed-loop guidance using reinforcement learning in a low-thrust, multi-body dynamical environment

NB LaFarge, D Miller, KC Howell, R Linares - Acta Astronautica, 2021 - Elsevier
Onboard autonomy is an essential component in enabling increasingly complex missions
into deep space. In nonlinear dynamical environments, computationally efficient guidance …

Guidance for closed-loop transfers using reinforcement learning with application to libration point orbits

NB LaFarge, D Miller, KC Howell, R Linares - AIAA SciTech 2020 forum, 2020 -
While human presence in cislunar space continues to expand, so too does the demand for
'lightweight'automated on-board processes. In nonlinear dynamical environments …

Adaptive closed-loop maneuver planning for low-thrust spacecraft using reinforcement learning

NB LaFarge, KC Howell, DC Folta - Acta Astronautica, 2023 - Elsevier
Autonomy is an increasingly essential component of future space missions, and new
technologies are necessary to accommodate off-nominal occurrences onboard that may …

Designing Sun–Earth L2 halo orbit stationkee** maneuvers via reinforcement learning

S Bonasera, N Bosanac, CJ Sullivan, I Elliott… - Journal of Guidance …, 2023 -
Reinforcement learning (RL) is used to design impulsive stationkee** maneuvers for a
spacecraft operating near an L 2 quasi-halo trajectory in a Sun–Earth–Moon point mass …

[PDF][PDF] Autonomous guidance for cislunar orbit transfers via reinforcement learning

L Federici, A Scorsoglio, A Zavoli… - AAS/AIAA …, 2021 -
This paper investigates the use of reinforcement learning for the optimal guidance of a
spacecraft during a time-free low-thrust transfer between two libration point orbits in the …

Autonomous guidance between quasiperiodic orbits in cislunar space via deep reinforcement learning

L Federici, A Scorsoglio, A Zavoli… - Journal of Spacecraft and …, 2023 -
This paper investigates the use of reinforcement learning for the fuel-optimal guidance of a
spacecraft during a time-free low-thrust transfer between two libration point orbits in the …

An autonomous stationkee** strategy for multi-body orbits leveraging reinforcement learning

NB LaFarge, KC Howell, DC Folta - AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum, 2022 -
View Video Presentation: https://doi. org/10.2514/6.2022-1764. vid Computationally efficient
guidance is challenging for stationkee** applications in nonlinear dynamical regions …

[PDF][PDF] Designing impulsive station-kee** maneuvers near a sun-earth l2 halo orbit via reinforcement learning

S Bonasera, I Elliott, CJ Sullivan… - 31st AAS/AIAA Space …, 2021 -
Reinforcement learning is used to plan station-kee** maneuvers for a spacecraft
operating near a Sun-Earth L2 halo orbit and subject to perturbations from momentum …

Comparison of learning spacecraft path-planning solutions from imitation in three-body dynamics

K Parmar, E Taheri, D Guzzetti - Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, 2023 -
Spacecraft path-planning approaches that are capable of producing not only autonomous
but also generalized solutions promise to open new modalities for robotic exploration and …

Improving reinforcement learning performance in spacecraft guidance and control through meta-learning: a comparison on planetary landing

L Federici, R Furfaro - Neural Computing and Applications, 2024 - Springer
This paper investigates the performance and computational complexity of recurrent neural
networks (RNNs) trained via meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) as onboard spacecraft …