Nonequilibrium boundary-driven quantum systems: Models, methods, and properties

GT Landi, D Poletti, G Schaller - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2022‏ - APS
Recent years have seen tremendous progress in the theoretical understanding of quantum
systems driven dissipatively by coupling to different baths at their edges. This was possible …

Reconciliation of quantum local master equations with thermodynamics

G De Chiara, G Landi, A Hewgill, B Reid… - New Journal of …, 2018‏ -
The study of open quantum systems often relies on approximate master equations derived
under the assumptions of weak coupling to the environment. However when the system is …

Quantum thermodynamically consistent local master equations

A Hewgill, G De Chiara, A Imparato - Physical Review Research, 2021‏ - APS
Local master equations are a widespread tool to model open quantum systems, especially
in the context of many-body systems. These equations, however, are believed to lead to …

Perfect diode in quantum spin chains

V Balachandran, G Benenti, E Pereira, G Casati… - Physical review …, 2018‏ - APS
We study the rectification of the spin current in XXZ chains segmented in two parts, each with
a different anisotropy parameter. Using exact diagonalization and a matrix product state …

Criteria for Davies irreducibility of Markovian quantum dynamics

Y Zhang, T Barthel - Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and …, 2024‏ -
The dynamics of Markovian open quantum systems are described by Lindblad master
equations, generating a quantum dynamical semigroup. An important concept for such …

Controlling quantum transport via dissipation engineering

F Damanet, E Mascarenhas, D Pekker, AJ Daley - Physical Review Letters, 2019‏ - APS
Inspired by the microscopic control over dissipative processes in quantum optics and cold
atoms, we develop an open-system framework to study dissipative control of transport in …

Heat rectification by two qubits coupled with Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction

V Upadhyay, MT Naseem, R Marathe… - Physical Review E, 2021‏ - APS
We investigate heat rectification in a two-qubit system coupled via the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya
(DM) interaction. We derive analytical expressions for heat currents and thermal rectification …

Three-qubit refrigerator with two-body interactions

A Hewgill, JO González, JP Palao, D Alonso, A Ferraro… - Physical Review E, 2020‏ - APS
We propose a three-qubit setup for the implementation of a variety of quantum thermal
machines where all heat fluxes and work production can be controlled. An important …

Characterizing the performance of heat rectifiers

S Khandelwal, M Perarnau-Llobet, S Seah… - Physical Review …, 2023‏ - APS
A physical system connected to two thermal reservoirs at different temperatures is said to act
as a heat rectifier when it is able to bias the heat current in a given direction, similarly to an …

Heat, work, and energy currents in the boundary-driven spin chain

E Pereira - Physical Review E, 2018‏ - APS
We address the detailed study of the energy current and its components, heat and work, in
the boundary-driven one-dimensional XXZ quantum model. We carry out the investigation …