A leverage points perspective on Arctic Indigenous food systems research: a systematic review
Arctic food systems are increasingly challenged by rapid climate change, loss of food
security and subsequent weakening of food sovereignty, and destabilization of Indigenous …
security and subsequent weakening of food sovereignty, and destabilization of Indigenous …
Conceptualizing cultural sensitivity in tourism: A systematic literature review
This study contributes to the conceptualization of cultural sensitivity in tourism based on an
analysis of tourism and social science literatures associated with Indigenous peoples in …
analysis of tourism and social science literatures associated with Indigenous peoples in …
Effects of mining on reindeer/caribou populations and indigenous livelihoods: community-based monitoring by Sami reindeer herders in Sweden and First Nations in …
This paper explores the effects of human disturbances associated with mine development in
the Arctic on habitat and populations of reindeer/caribou (both Rangifer tarandus), and …
the Arctic on habitat and populations of reindeer/caribou (both Rangifer tarandus), and …
Traditional knowledge about polar bears (Ursus maritimus) in Northwestern Alaska
Polar bears (Ursus maritimus) are an iconic Arctic species, but residents of Arctic coastal
communities are among the few who have opportunities to observe their behavior for …
communities are among the few who have opportunities to observe their behavior for …
[HTML][HTML] Culturally driven monitoring: The importance of traditional ecological knowledge indicators in understanding aquatic ecosystem change in the Northwest …
There is growing concern about the sustainability of freshwater ecosystems in northern
Canada that are under significant stress from climate change, resource development, and …
Canada that are under significant stress from climate change, resource development, and …
Traditional ecological knowledge of polar bears in the Northern Eeyou Marine Region, Québec, Canada
BJ Laforest, JS Hebert, ME Obbard, GW Thiemann - Arctic, 2018 - JSTOR
Polar bears are important socio-cultural symbols in the communities of the Eeyou Marine
Region (EMR) in northwestern Québec, Canada. Members of the Cree communities in this …
Region (EMR) in northwestern Québec, Canada. Members of the Cree communities in this …
Plasma concentrations of persistent organic pollutants in the Cree of northern Quebec, Canada: results from the multi-community environment-and-health study
Historically, resource development has had negative impacts on the traditional lifestyle of
First Nation Cree Communities in the Province of Quebec, Canada. In response to the …
First Nation Cree Communities in the Province of Quebec, Canada. In response to the …
Assessing the potential for collaborative governance to support cumulative effects assessment in the Indigenous Cree territory of Eeyou Istchee, Canada
This paper explores the potential for collaborative governance approaches to support
Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) in the Cree territory of Eeyou Istchee, located in …
Cumulative Effects Assessment (CEA) in the Cree territory of Eeyou Istchee, located in …
[HTML][HTML] Canada Goose populations harvested in Eastern James Bay by Eeyou Istchee Cree hunters
ABSTRACT Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) are an important wildlife food resource for
Cree people living in communities along the James Bay coasts. According to Traditional …
Cree people living in communities along the James Bay coasts. According to Traditional …
Linking Cree hunters' and scientific observations of changing inland ice and meteorological conditions in the subarctic eastern James Bay region, Canada
Abstract For the Cree First Nation communities of the eastern James Bay region in the
Canadian Subarctic, local weather plays a key role in traditional subsistence activities …
Canadian Subarctic, local weather plays a key role in traditional subsistence activities …