Neurocognitive basis of racial ingroup bias in empathy
S Han - Trends in cognitive sciences, 2018 - cell.com
Racial discrimination in social behavior, although disapproved of by many contemporary
cultures, has been widely reported. Because empathy plays a key functional role in social …
cultures, has been widely reported. Because empathy plays a key functional role in social …
The importance of diversity in cognitive neuroscience
The vast majority of what is known about the neural underpinnings of human cognition
comes from studies limited to racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically homogeneous …
comes from studies limited to racially, ethnically, and socioeconomically homogeneous …
Are women more empathetic than men? Questionnaire and EEG estimations of sex/gender differences in empathic ability
The debate regarding whether women are more empathetic than men has broad scientific,
social and clinical implications. However, previous independent questionnaires and brain …
social and clinical implications. However, previous independent questionnaires and brain …
Intracranial EEG signals disentangle multi-areal neural dynamics of vicarious pain perception
H Tan, X Zeng, J Ni, K Liang, C Xu, Y Zhang… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Empathy enables understanding and sharing of others' feelings. Human neuroimaging
studies have identified critical brain regions supporting empathy for pain, including the …
studies have identified critical brain regions supporting empathy for pain, including the …
The neurobiology of pain perception in normal and persistent pain
BW Fenton, E Shih, J Zolton - Pain management, 2015 - Taylor & Francis
Pain is a significant national burden in terms of patient suffering, expenditure and lost
productivity. Understanding pain is fundamental to improving evaluation, treatment and …
productivity. Understanding pain is fundamental to improving evaluation, treatment and …
Neural dynamics of racial categorization predicts racial bias in face recognition and altruism
The classification of individuals into different racial groups provides a precondition for racial
bias in cognition and behaviour, but how the brain enables spontaneous racial …
bias in cognition and behaviour, but how the brain enables spontaneous racial …
[КНИГА][B] The sociocultural brain: A cultural neuroscience approach to human nature
S Han - 2017 - books.google.com
How is the human brain shaped by our sociocultural experiences? What neural correlates
underlie the extraordinary cultural diversity of human behavior? How do our genes interact …
underlie the extraordinary cultural diversity of human behavior? How do our genes interact …
[HTML][HTML] Neural dynamics of pain expression processing: alpha-band synchronization to same-race pain but desynchronization to other-race pain
Both electroencephalography and functional magnetic resonance imaging studies have
revealed enhanced neural responses to perceived pain in same-race than other-race …
revealed enhanced neural responses to perceived pain in same-race than other-race …
Neural mechanisms with respect to different paradigms and relevant regulatory factors in empathy for pain
Y **ang, Y Wang, S Gao, X Zhang, R Cui - Frontiers in neuroscience, 2018 - frontiersin.org
Empathy for pain is thought to activate the affective-motivational components of the pain
matrix, which includes the anterior insula and middle and anterior cingulate cortices, as …
matrix, which includes the anterior insula and middle and anterior cingulate cortices, as …
The effect of tDCS over the right temporo-parietal junction on pain empathy
Empathy is a complex psychological phenomenon crucial for social perception and
interactions. Several lines of evidence suggest that the right temporo-parietal junction is …
interactions. Several lines of evidence suggest that the right temporo-parietal junction is …