[HTML][HTML] Exploring the development and applications of sustainable natural fiber composites: A review from a nanoscale perspective

Y Feng, H Hao, H Lu, CL Chow, D Lau - Composites Part B: Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
As a result of global sustainable development, natural fiber composites (NFCs) have
become increasingly attractive due to their remarkable performance, novel functionality, and …

A review of recent advances in the science and technology of seawater-mixed concrete

U Ebead, D Lau, F Lollini, A Nanni, P Suraneni… - Cement and concrete …, 2022 - Elsevier
A review of the last 16 years of research (2005–2021) on seawater-mixed concrete is
presented. A very significant amount of research, both fundamental and applied, has been …

[HTML][HTML] A novel high-performance lightweight concrete prepared with glass-UHPC and lightweight microspheres: Towards energy conservation in buildings

JX Lu, HA Ali, Y Jiang, X Guan, P Shen, P Chen… - Composites Part B …, 2022 - Elsevier
Improving energy conservation of buildings and promoting wastes recycling contribute to
reducing CO 2 emissions. This work developed a green high-performance lightweight …

Development of effective porous geopolymer adsorbent with high strength for copper (II) ion removal

K Liang, G Yang, XQ Wang, CL Chow, D Lau - Journal of Cleaner …, 2024 - Elsevier
Due to the serious consequences of the accumulation of heavy metals in organisms
throughout the aqueous phase, the treatment of heavy metal pollution has received …

Understanding geopolymer binder-aggregate interfacial characteristics at molecular level

MF Kai, JG Dai - Cement and Concrete Research, 2021 - Elsevier
The interfacial characteristics of geopolymer binder to aggregate composites are poorly
understood, especially at molecular level. Herein, molecular models are developed to study …

Degradation of fiber/matrix interface under various environmental and loading conditions: Insights from molecular simulations

R Wu, XQ Wang, D Zhao, J Hou, C Wu, D Lau… - … and Building Materials, 2023 - Elsevier
Fiber-reinforced polymer composites have been increasingly applied as reinforcing and
load-bearing components in building constructions and civil infrastructures. Long-term …

A review of geopolymer and its adsorption capacity with molecular insights: A promising adsorbent of heavy metal ions

K Liang, XQ Wang, CL Chow, D Lau - Journal of environmental …, 2022 - Elsevier
Due to severe consequences of the heavy metal ions (HMIs) accumulation in organisms
throughout the aqueous phase, HMIs pollution treatment has received extensive attention …

Developments and applications of carbon nanotube reinforced cement-based composites as functional building materials

K Cui, J Chang, L Feo, CL Chow, D Lau - Frontiers in Materials, 2022 - frontiersin.org
Carbon nanotube (CNT) is a promising nanomaterial with excellent mechanical, electrical,
thermal, and chemical stability. It has received extensive attention due to its unique …

Atomistic insights into the debonding of Epoxy–Concrete interface with water presence

MF Kai, WM Ji, JG Dai - Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 2022 - Elsevier
In this study, molecular models are developed to investigate the water-induced bond
degradation of the epoxy–concrete interface. Concrete is simulated using the Csingle …

Interfacial degradation of calcium silicate hydrate and epoxy under a hygrothermal environment: an experimental and molecular model study

Q Luo, X Zhang, Y Li, Z Zhang… - The Journal of Physical …, 2023 - ACS Publications
The adhesion at the concrete/epoxy interface is crucial to the reinforcement of carbon fiber-
reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The multiscale mechanism of adhesion, particularly …