[HTML][HTML] Exploring the development and applications of sustainable natural fiber composites: A review from a nanoscale perspective
As a result of global sustainable development, natural fiber composites (NFCs) have
become increasingly attractive due to their remarkable performance, novel functionality, and …
become increasingly attractive due to their remarkable performance, novel functionality, and …
A review of recent advances in the science and technology of seawater-mixed concrete
A review of the last 16 years of research (2005–2021) on seawater-mixed concrete is
presented. A very significant amount of research, both fundamental and applied, has been …
presented. A very significant amount of research, both fundamental and applied, has been …
[HTML][HTML] A novel high-performance lightweight concrete prepared with glass-UHPC and lightweight microspheres: Towards energy conservation in buildings
Improving energy conservation of buildings and promoting wastes recycling contribute to
reducing CO 2 emissions. This work developed a green high-performance lightweight …
reducing CO 2 emissions. This work developed a green high-performance lightweight …
Development of effective porous geopolymer adsorbent with high strength for copper (II) ion removal
Due to the serious consequences of the accumulation of heavy metals in organisms
throughout the aqueous phase, the treatment of heavy metal pollution has received …
throughout the aqueous phase, the treatment of heavy metal pollution has received …
Understanding geopolymer binder-aggregate interfacial characteristics at molecular level
The interfacial characteristics of geopolymer binder to aggregate composites are poorly
understood, especially at molecular level. Herein, molecular models are developed to study …
understood, especially at molecular level. Herein, molecular models are developed to study …
Degradation of fiber/matrix interface under various environmental and loading conditions: Insights from molecular simulations
Fiber-reinforced polymer composites have been increasingly applied as reinforcing and
load-bearing components in building constructions and civil infrastructures. Long-term …
load-bearing components in building constructions and civil infrastructures. Long-term …
A review of geopolymer and its adsorption capacity with molecular insights: A promising adsorbent of heavy metal ions
Due to severe consequences of the heavy metal ions (HMIs) accumulation in organisms
throughout the aqueous phase, HMIs pollution treatment has received extensive attention …
throughout the aqueous phase, HMIs pollution treatment has received extensive attention …
Developments and applications of carbon nanotube reinforced cement-based composites as functional building materials
Carbon nanotube (CNT) is a promising nanomaterial with excellent mechanical, electrical,
thermal, and chemical stability. It has received extensive attention due to its unique …
thermal, and chemical stability. It has received extensive attention due to its unique …
Atomistic insights into the debonding of Epoxy–Concrete interface with water presence
In this study, molecular models are developed to investigate the water-induced bond
degradation of the epoxy–concrete interface. Concrete is simulated using the Csingle …
degradation of the epoxy–concrete interface. Concrete is simulated using the Csingle …
Interfacial degradation of calcium silicate hydrate and epoxy under a hygrothermal environment: an experimental and molecular model study
The adhesion at the concrete/epoxy interface is crucial to the reinforcement of carbon fiber-
reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The multiscale mechanism of adhesion, particularly …
reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets. The multiscale mechanism of adhesion, particularly …