Critical barriers to green building technologies adoption in develo** countries: The case of Ghana
Although green building technologies (GBTs) have been advocated in the construction
industry to address sustainability issues, their adoption is still plagued with barriers. The …
industry to address sustainability issues, their adoption is still plagued with barriers. The …
[HTML][HTML] Strategies for promoting green building technologies adoption in the construction industry—An international study
Because green building technologies (GBTs) adoption is a promising way of ameliorating
the sustainability performance of buildings, GBTs are receiving increased interest in the …
the sustainability performance of buildings, GBTs are receiving increased interest in the …
Critical success factors (CSFs) for sustainable affordable housing
Interventions for sustainability attainment in affordable housing have received increasing
attention from policy makers globally. However, policy-makers' interventions for sustainable …
attention from policy makers globally. However, policy-makers' interventions for sustainable …
Cross-country comparisons of key drivers, critical success factors and risk allocation for public-private partnership projects
JS Chou, D Pramudawardhani - International journal of project …, 2015 - Elsevier
Public-private partnerships (PPPs) are an effective and established strategy for procuring
infrastructure. Although numerous countries have implemented PPPs for infrastructure …
infrastructure. Although numerous countries have implemented PPPs for infrastructure …
Public–private partnership as a driver of sustainable development: Toward a conceptual framework of sustainability-oriented PPP
As an innovative model for infrastructure and public service delivery, public–private
partnership (PPP) has become increasingly more popular around the world. PPP is facing …
partnership (PPP) has become increasingly more popular around the world. PPP is facing …
The effect of critical success factors on project success in Public-Private Partnership projects: A case study of highway projects in Iran
Abstract Public-Private Partnership (PPP) has been promoted as an alternative procurement
method to provide public services. In recent years, several studies have been carried out in …
method to provide public services. In recent years, several studies have been carried out in …
Public private partnership projects in Singapore: Factors, critical risks and preferred risk allocation from the perspective of contractors
Public private partnership (PPP) procurement was introduced into Singapore in 2003, and
10 PPP projects were successfully completed and have been in operation. This study aims …
10 PPP projects were successfully completed and have been in operation. This study aims …
Identifying critical factors affecting the effectiveness and efficiency of tendering processes in Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs): A comparative analysis of Australia …
Abstract The success of Public–Private Partnerships (PPPs) largely depends on the
performance of tendering processes. This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis …
performance of tendering processes. This research aims to conduct a comparative analysis …
EASIER: An evaluation model for public–private partnerships contributing to the sustainable development goals
Recently, public–private partnerships (PPPs) have attracted renewed attention as a valuable
tool to close the gap between public services and social needs. In fact, the United Nations …
tool to close the gap between public services and social needs. In fact, the United Nations …
Critical review on PPP Research–A search from the Chinese and International Journals
A significant number of literatures have concentrated on diverse issues related to Public–
Private Partnership (PPP) both in China and abroad. However, there is no systematic …
Private Partnership (PPP) both in China and abroad. However, there is no systematic …