Empirical studies in reverse engineering: state of the art and future trends
Starting with the aim of modernizing legacy systems, often written in old programming
languages, reverse engineering has extended its applicability to virtually every kind of …
languages, reverse engineering has extended its applicability to virtually every kind of …
[ספר][B] Case study research in software engineering: Guidelines and examples
Based on their own experiences of in-depth case studies of software projects in international
corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the …
corporations, in this book the authors present detailed practical guidelines on the …
[ספר][B] Experimentation in software engineering
Have you ever had a need to evaluate software engineering methods or techniques against
each other? This book presents experimentation as one way of evaluating new methods and …
each other? This book presents experimentation as one way of evaluating new methods and …
[HTML][HTML] Reproducibility of studies on text mining for citation screening in systematic reviews: evaluation and checklist
Context Independent validation of published scientific results through study replication is a
pre-condition for accepting the validity of such results. In computation research, full …
pre-condition for accepting the validity of such results. In computation research, full …
The role of replications in empirical software engineering
Replications play a key role in Empirical Software Engineering by allowing the community to
build knowledge about which results or observations hold under which conditions …
build knowledge about which results or observations hold under which conditions …
The soft robotics toolkit: Shared resources for research and design
This article describes the development of the Soft Robotics Toolkit, a set of open access
resources to support the design, fabrication, modeling, characterization, and control of soft …
resources to support the design, fabrication, modeling, characterization, and control of soft …
On the reproducibility of empirical software engineering studies based on data retrieved from development repositories
Among empirical software engineering studies, those based on data retrieved from
development repositories (such as those of source code management, issue tracking or …
development repositories (such as those of source code management, issue tracking or …
An environment to support large scale experimentation in software engineering
Experimental studies have been used as a mechanism to acquire knowledge through a
scientific approach based on measurement of phenomena in different areas. However it is …
scientific approach based on measurement of phenomena in different areas. However it is …
Data sets and data quality in software engineering
OBJECTIVE-to assess the extent and types of techniques used to manage quality within
software engineering data sets. We consider this a particularly interesting question in the …
software engineering data sets. We consider this a particularly interesting question in the …
[ספר][B] Sharing data and models in software engineering
T Menzies, E Kocaguneli, B Turhan, L Minku, F Peters - 2014 - books.google.com
Data Science for Software Engineering: Sharing Data and Models presents guidance and
procedures for reusing data and models between projects to produce results that are useful …
procedures for reusing data and models between projects to produce results that are useful …