A survey on the densest subgraph problem and its variants
The Densest Subgraph Problem requires us to find, in a given graph, a subset of vertices
whose induced subgraph maximizes a measure of density. The problem has received a …
whose induced subgraph maximizes a measure of density. The problem has received a …
Effective and efficient community search over large heterogeneous information networks
Recently, the topic of community search (CS) has gained plenty of attention. Given a query
vertex, CS looks for a dense subgraph that contains it. Existing studies mainly focus on …
vertex, CS looks for a dense subgraph that contains it. Existing studies mainly focus on …
Antibenford subgraphs: Unsupervised anomaly detection in financial networks
Benford's law describes the distribution of the first digit of numbers appearing in a wide
variety of numerical data, including tax records, and election outcomes, and has been used …
variety of numerical data, including tax records, and election outcomes, and has been used …
Densest subgraph: Supermodularity, iterative peeling, and flow
The densest subgraph problem in a graph (DSG), in the simplest form, is the following.
Given an undirected graph G=(V, E) find a subset S⊆ V of vertices that maximizes the ratio …
Given an undirected graph G=(V, E) find a subset S⊆ V of vertices that maximizes the ratio …
DeepTEA: Effective and efficient online time-dependent trajectory outlier detection
In this paper, we study anomalous trajectory detection, which aims to extract abnormal
movements of vehicles on the roads. This important problem, which facilitates understanding …
movements of vehicles on the roads. This important problem, which facilitates understanding …
Faster and scalable algorithms for densest subgraph and decomposition
We study the densest subgraph problem (DSG) and the densest subgraph local
decomposition problem (DSG-LD) in undirected graphs. We also consider supermodular …
decomposition problem (DSG-LD) in undirected graphs. We also consider supermodular …
Scaling up k-clique densest subgraph detection
In this paper, we study the k-clique densest subgraph problem, which detects the subgraph
that maximizes the ratio between the number of k-cliques and the number of vertices in it …
that maximizes the ratio between the number of k-cliques and the number of vertices in it …
Cohesive subgraph search over big heterogeneous information networks: Applications, challenges, and solutions
With the advent of a wide spectrum of recent applications, querying heterogeneous
information networks (HINs) has received a great deal of attention from both academic and …
information networks (HINs) has received a great deal of attention from both academic and …
A counting-based approach for efficient K-clique densest subgraph discovery
Densest subgraph discovery (DSD) is a fundamental topic in graph mining. It has been
extensively studied in the literature and has found many real applications in a wide range of …
extensively studied in the literature and has found many real applications in a wide range of …
Effective community search over large star-schema heterogeneous information networks
Community search (CS) enables personalized community discovery and has found a wide
spectrum of emerging applications such as setting up social events and friend …
spectrum of emerging applications such as setting up social events and friend …