Zonotopes and Kalman observers: Gain optimality under distinct uncertainty paradigms and robust convergence

C Combastel - Automatica, 2015 - Elsevier
State bounding observation based on zonotopes is the subject of this paper. Dealing with
zonotopes is motivated by set operations resulting in simple matrix calculations with regard …

Hierarchical parameter and state estimation for bilinear systems

X Zhang, F Ding - International Journal of Systems Science, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
The identification of state-space models of bilinear systems is studied in this paper. The
parameters to be identified of the considered system are coupled with the unknown states …

Interval state estimation for a class of nonlinear systems

T Raïssi, D Efimov, A Zolghadri - IEEE Transactions on …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The goal of this technical note is to design interval observers for a class of nonlinear
continuous-time systems. The first part of this work shows that it is usually possible to design …

[PDF][PDF] Reachability analysis and its application to the safety assessment of autonomous cars

M Althoff - 2010 - mediatum.ub.tum.de
One of the biggest boosts for innovation in engineering has been the ongoing improvement
of digital processor technology. Connections between physical systems and computing …

Design of interval observers for uncertain dynamical systems

D Efimov, T Raïssi - Automation and Remote Control, 2016 - Springer
Interval state observers provide an estimate on the set of admissible values of the state
vector at each instant of time. Ideally, the size of the evaluated set is proportional to the …

Set-membership approach and Kalman observer based on zonotopes for discrete-time descriptor systems

Y Wang, V Puig, G Cembrano - Automatica, 2018 - Elsevier
This paper proposes a set-membership state estimator and a zonotopic Kalman observer for
discrete-time descriptor systems. Both approaches are developed in a set-based context …

Interval observer design for consistency checks of nonlinear continuous-time systems

T Raïssi, G Videau, A Zolghadri - Automatica, 2010 - Elsevier
This paper deals with fault detection for nonlinear continuous-time systems. A procedure
based on interval analysis is proposed to build a guaranteed qLPV (quasi-Linear Parameter …

A state bounding observer for uncertain non-linear continuous-time systems based on zonotopes

C Combastel - Proceedings of the 44th IEEE Conference on …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A state bounding observer aims at computing some domains which are guaranteed to
contain the set of states that are consistent both with the uncertain model and with the …

[КНИГА][B] Zonotopes: From guaranteed state-estimation to control

VTH Le, C Stoica, T Alamo, EF Camacho, D Dumur - 2013 - books.google.com
This title focuses on two significant problems in the field of automatic control, in particular
state estimation and robust Model Predictive Control under input and state constraints …

Bounds on the reachable sets of nonlinear control systems

JK Scott, PI Barton - Automatica, 2013 - Elsevier
The computation of rigorous enclosures of the reachable sets of nonlinear control systems is
considered, with a focus on applications for which speed is crucial. Low computational costs …