Sources and consequences of groundwater contamination
Groundwater contamination is a global problem that has a significant impact on human
health and ecological services. Studies reported in this special issue focus on contaminants …
health and ecological services. Studies reported in this special issue focus on contaminants …
Assessment and map** of groundwater vulnerability to pollution: Current status and challenges
Increasing groundwater contamination across the globe triggered the concept of “aquifer
vulnerability”, which has been extensively used worldwide during past three to four decades …
vulnerability”, which has been extensively used worldwide during past three to four decades …
[HTML][HTML] Assessing groundwater quality for drinking water supply using hybrid fuzzy-GIS-based water quality index
Groundwater is a vital source of freshwater in both urban and rural regions of the world.
However, its injudicious abstraction and rapidly increasing contamination are posing a …
However, its injudicious abstraction and rapidly increasing contamination are posing a …
An integrated approach to explore the suitability of nitrate-contaminated groundwater for drinking purposes in a semiarid region of India
B Panneerselvam, K Muniraj, K Duraisamy… - Environmental …, 2023 - Springer
The main objective of the present study is to perform risk assessment of groundwater
contaminated by nitrate (NO3−) and evaluate the suitability of groundwater for domestic …
contaminated by nitrate (NO3−) and evaluate the suitability of groundwater for domestic …
A comprehensive analysis of contaminated groundwater: Special emphasis on nature-ecosystem and socio-economic impacts
G Chandnani, P Gandhi, D Kanpariya, D Parikh… - Groundwater for …, 2022 - Elsevier
Besides air, water is the most essential and irreplaceable element to ensure the continuance
of life. According to data, only 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water; 96.5% is present …
of life. According to data, only 71% of Earth's surface is covered with water; 96.5% is present …
[HTML][HTML] Groundwater vulnerability assessment in central Iran: Integration of GIS-based DRASTIC model and a machine learning approach
The study try to evaluate the susceptibility of groundwater. The DRASTIC model was
implemented through GIS. Various input variables, such as water table depth, net recharge …
implemented through GIS. Various input variables, such as water table depth, net recharge …
Geochemical characterization and assessment of fluoride sources in groundwater of Siloam area, Limpopo Province, South Africa
Siloam's groundwater is reportedly characterized by high fluoride. In response to the
reported high incidence of dental fluorosis in the area, sources of elevated fluoride in the …
reported high incidence of dental fluorosis in the area, sources of elevated fluoride in the …
Designing dynamic groundwater management strategies through a composite groundwater vulnerability model: Integrating human-related parameters into the …
Groundwater nitrate contamination has emerged as a pressing global concern. Given its
potential for long-term impacts on aquifers, protective measures should primarily focus on …
potential for long-term impacts on aquifers, protective measures should primarily focus on …
Hydro-chemical assessment of coastal groundwater aquifers for human health risk from elevated arsenic and fluoride in West Bengal, India
T Biswas, SC Pal, A Saha - Marine Pollution Bulletin, 2023 - Elsevier
The vulnerability of groundwater in the coastal regions in terms of As, F−, and NO 3−
exposure is growing rapidly. Hence, the present study focused on assessing groundwater …
exposure is growing rapidly. Hence, the present study focused on assessing groundwater …
Assessment and mitigation of groundwater contamination from phosphate mining in Tunisia: geochemical and radiological analysis
Groundwater contamination in the Mediterranean Basin is a severe problem that has a
significant impact on environmental ecosystems and human health. The unconventional …
significant impact on environmental ecosystems and human health. The unconventional …