Valley dynamics probed through charged and neutral exciton emission in monolayer

G Wang, L Bouet, D Lagarde, M Vidal, A Balocchi… - Physical Review B, 2014 - APS
Optical interband transitions in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides such as WSe 2
and MoS 2 are governed by chiral selection rules. This allows efficient optical initialization of …

Trion formation dynamics in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides

A Singh, G Moody, K Tran, ME Scott, V Overbeck… - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We report charged exciton (trion) formation dynamics in doped monolayer transition metal
dichalcogenides, specifically molybdenum diselenide (MoS e 2), using resonant two-color …

Photoluminescence properties and exciton dynamics in monolayer WSe2

T Yan, X Qiao, X Liu, P Tan, X Zhang - Applied Physics Letters, 2014 -
In this work, comprehensive temperature and excitation power dependent
photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence studies are carried out on …

Optical pum** of the electronic and nuclear spin of single charge-tunable quantum dots

AS Bracker, EA Stinaff, D Gammon, ME Ware… - Physical Review Letters, 2005 - APS
We present a comprehensive examination of optical pum** of spins in individual GaAs
quantum dots as we change the net charge from positive to neutral to negative with a charge …

Photoluminescence and radiative lifetime of trions in GaAs quantum wells

A Esser, E Runge, R Zimmermann, W Langbein - Physical Review B, 2000 - APS
Electron-trion photoluminescence spectra were measured in undoped high-quality GaAs
quantum wells. The obtained line shape depends on temperature and is asymmetric with a …

Universal behavior of the electron factor in quantum wells

IA Yugova, A Greilich, DR Yakovlev, AA Kiselev… - Physical Review B …, 2007 - APS
The Zeeman splitting and the underlying g factor for conduction-band electrons in Ga As∕
Al x Ga 1− x As quantum wells have been measured by spin-beat spectroscopy based on a …

Optical studies of charged excitons in II–VI semiconductor quantum wells

P Kossacki - Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter, 2003 -
A brief review is given of optical studies of doped II–VI quantum wells. The properties of
exciton states, neutral as well as positively and negatively charged, are discussed. A wide …

Tuning trion binding energy and oscillator strength in a laterally finite 2D system: CdSe nanoplatelets as a model system for trion properties

S Ayari, MT Quick, N Owschimikow, S Christodoulou… - Nanoscale, 2020 -
We present a theoretical study combined with experimental validations demonstrating that
CdSe nanoplatelets are a model system to investigate the tunability of trions and excitons in …

Nontrivial relaxation dynamics of excitons in high-quality InGaAs/GaAs quantum wells

AV Trifonov, SN Korotan, AS Kurdyubov, IY Gerlovin… - Physical Review B, 2015 - APS
Photoluminescence and reflectivity spectra of a high-quality InGaAs/GaAs quantum well
structure reveal a series of ultranarrow peaks attributed to the quantum confined exciton …

Spin Coherence of Holes in Quantum Wells

M Syperek, DR Yakovlev, A Greilich, J Misiewicz… - Physical review …, 2007 - APS
Carrier spin coherence in ap-doped GaAs/(Al, Ga) As quantum well with a diluted hole gas
is studied by picosecond pump-probe Kerr rotation. For resonant optical excitation of the …