Evaluating recommender systems: survey and framework
E Zangerle, C Bauer - ACM computing surveys, 2022 - dl.acm.org
The comprehensive evaluation of the performance of a recommender system is a complex
endeavor: many facets need to be considered in configuring an adequate and effective …
endeavor: many facets need to be considered in configuring an adequate and effective …
Evaluating recommender systems with user experiments
BP Knijnenburg, MC Willemsen - Recommender systems handbook, 2015 - Springer
Traditionally, the field of recommender systems has evaluated the fruits of its labor using
metrics of algorithmic accuracy and precision (see Chap. 8 for an overview of recommender …
metrics of algorithmic accuracy and precision (see Chap. 8 for an overview of recommender …
Multichannel personalization: Identifying consumer preferences for product recommendations in advertisements across different media channels
Nowadays, many retailers use personalization in advertising to increase customers'
awareness and interest in their offers. Product recommendations are a common form of …
awareness and interest in their offers. Product recommendations are a common form of …
The neglected user in music information retrieval research
Personalization and context-awareness are highly important topics in research on Intelligent
Information Systems. In the fields of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Music …
Information Systems. In the fields of Music Information Retrieval (MIR) and Music …
Comparison of group recommendation algorithms
T De Pessemier, S Dooms, L Martens - Multimedia tools and applications, 2014 - Springer
In recent years recommender systems have become the common tool to handle the
information overload problem of educational and informative web sites, content delivery …
information overload problem of educational and informative web sites, content delivery …
Hybrid event recommendation using linked data and user diversity
An ever increasing number of social services offer thousands of diverse events per day.
Users tend to be overwhelmed by the massive amount of information available, especially …
Users tend to be overwhelmed by the massive amount of information available, especially …
Explaining recommendations through conversations: dialog model and the effects of interface type and degree of interactivity
DC Hernandez-Bocanegra, J Ziegler - ACM Transactions on Interactive …, 2023 - dl.acm.org
Explaining system-generated recommendations based on user reviews can foster users'
understanding and assessment of the recommended items and the recommender system …
understanding and assessment of the recommended items and the recommender system …
EventAware: A mobile recommender system for events
D Horowitz, D Contreras, M Salamó - Pattern Recognition Letters, 2018 - Elsevier
Develo** a recommender system for events raises several issues that are different from
other domains. Events rapidly disappear, users' preferences quickly change over time, and …
other domains. Events rapidly disappear, users' preferences quickly change over time, and …
[PDF][PDF] Development of an instrument for measuring users' perception of transparency in recommender systems
M Hellmann, DC Hernandez-Bocanegra, J Ziegler - system, 2022 - ceur-ws.org
Transparency is increasingly seen as a critical requirement for achieving the goal of human-
centered AI systems in general and also, specifically, recommender systems (RS). However …
centered AI systems in general and also, specifically, recommender systems (RS). However …
The value of a recommendation: The role of social ties in social recommender systems
O Oechslein, T Hess - 2014 47th Hawaii International …, 2014 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In the past, the selection of content has been done manually. Nowadays, owing to the new
generation of social recommender systems, the automated aggregation of content, based on …
generation of social recommender systems, the automated aggregation of content, based on …