Algorithmic reflexive governance for socio-techno-ecological systems

J Pitt, J Dryzek, J Ober - IEEE Technology and Society …, 2020 -
This position paper develops an algorithmic approach to deliberation as the basis for
institutional reflexivity. We propose the idea of algorithmic reflexive governance for socio …

Democracy by design: Basic democracy and the self-organisation of collective governance

J Pitt, J Ober - 2018 IEEE 12th International Conference on Self …, 2018 -
Basic democracy has been proposed as a means of collective self-governance distinct from
liberal democracy, ie it is a conventional rule-based system of empowerment, decision …

Democratisation of the SmartGrid and the active participation of prosumers

J Pitt, A Diaconescu, A Bourazeri - 2017 IEEE 26th …, 2017 -
We observe that SmartGrids are an example of a crossover point where cyber-physical
systems meet socio-technical systems. However, control of this crossover point, in the form …

Collective intelligence and algorithmic governance of socio-technical systems

J Pitt, D Busquets, A Bourazeri, P Petruzzi - Social collective intelligence …, 2014 - Springer
In applying the methodology of sociologically-inspired computing to the idea of self-
governing institutions for common-pool resource management, an algorithmic basis for self …

Citizen-driven flood map** in Jakarta: a self-organising socio-technical system

P Perez, TH du Chemin, E Turpin… - 2015 IEEE International …, 2015 -
The PetaJakarta. org project aims at advancing our capacity to understand and promote the
resilience of cities to both extreme weather events as a result of climate change and to long …

[PDF][PDF] Metrics for reflection in distributed information processing

A Mertzani, J Pitt - Proc. 14th Int. Workshop Agent-Based …, 2022 -
The performance of a Distributed Information Processing (DIP) unit in collectively answering
a question using the Regulatory Theory Social Influence (RTSI) can be evaluated against …

[PDF][PDF] Dialogues on Moral Theories.

G Governatori, F Olivieri, R Riveret, A Rotolo, S Villata - DEON, 2018 -
Most ethical systems define how the individuals ought morally act, being part of a society.
The process of elicitation of a moral theory governing the agents in a society requires them …

Measuring and evaluating the performance of self-organization mechanisms within collective adaptive systems

B Eberhardinger, H Ponsar, D Klumpp… - Leveraging Applications of …, 2018 - Springer
By restructuring and reconfiguring itself at run-time, a collective adaptive system (CAS) is
able to fulfill its requirements under uncertain, ever-changing environmental conditions …

The open agent society: retrospective and prospective views

J Pitt, A Artikis - Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2015 - Springer
It is now more than ten years since the EU FET project ALFEBIITE finished, during which its
researchers made original and distinctive contributions to (inter alia) formal models of trust …

From trust and forgiveness to social capital and justice: Formal models of social processes in open distributed systems

J Pitt - Trustworthy open self-organising systems, 2016 - Springer
Open systems typically occur in a wide range of applications, from virtual organisations and
vehicular networks to cloud/grid computing and reconfigurable manufacturing. All these …