Reconciling conflicting perspectives for biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene
We introduce a framework–based on experiences from oceanic islands–for conserving
biodiversity in the Anthropocene. In an increasingly human‐dominated world, the context for …
biodiversity in the Anthropocene. In an increasingly human‐dominated world, the context for …
The ecological sustainability of non-timber forest product harvest: Principles and methods
T Ticktin - Ecological sustainability for non-timber forest products, 2015 - taylorfrancis.com
The harvest of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for both subsistence and trade is ancient,
and remains common and widespread today (Shackleton, Chapter 2). NTFPs are collected …
and remains common and widespread today (Shackleton, Chapter 2). NTFPs are collected …
Human impact on the abundance of useful species in a protected area of the Brazilian Cerrado by people perception and biological data
Studies about relationships between people and landscapes have shown that local
communities can affect the abundance of plant species useful to humans, which raises the …
communities can affect the abundance of plant species useful to humans, which raises the …
Dynamic management needs for long‐lived, sporadically recruiting plant species in human‐dominated landscapes
Societal Impact Statement Long‐lived, iconic plant species like the baobab, welwitschia, the
saguaro cactus or the dragon's blood tree are perceived to be everlasting landscape …
saguaro cactus or the dragon's blood tree are perceived to be everlasting landscape …
Non-timber forest products: Current status and development
Abstract Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP's) are biologically originated non-wood
products derived from forests and constitute a vital source of livelihood. In India …
products derived from forests and constitute a vital source of livelihood. In India …
Harvesting of palm fruits can be ecologically sustainable: a case of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa; arecaceae) in central Brazil
Fruits of several palm species are of high importance to local communities of tropical regions
as a source of subsistence and income. Local people consume unprocessed fruits, or use …
as a source of subsistence and income. Local people consume unprocessed fruits, or use …
Scientists' responsibilities towards evidence-based conservation in a Small Island Develo** State
CN Kaiser-Bunbury, F Fleischer-Dogley… - Journal of Applied …, 2015 - JSTOR
Much has been written about bridging the implementation gap, also known as the'great
divide'or the'knowledgeaction boundary'(eg Gibbons et al. 2008; Arlettaz et al. 2010; Cook et …
divide'or the'knowledgeaction boundary'(eg Gibbons et al. 2008; Arlettaz et al. 2010; Cook et …
Morphological and genetic differentiation in populations of the dispersal‐limited coco de mer (Lodoicea maldivica): implications for management and conservation
F Fleischer‐Dogley, CJ Kettle… - Diversity and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Aims Develo** plant conservation strategies requires knowledge of ecological and
genetic processes underlying population dynamics. We aimed to quantify morphological …
genetic processes underlying population dynamics. We aimed to quantify morphological …
Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll
Invasive rodent eradications are frequently undertaken to curb island biodiversity loss.
However, the breadth of rodents' ecological impact, even after eradication, is not always fully …
However, the breadth of rodents' ecological impact, even after eradication, is not always fully …
Observations on the Morphology, Pollination and Cultivation of Coco de Mer (Lodoicea maldivica (JF Gmel.) Pers., Palmae)
S Blackmore, SC Chin, L Chong Seng… - Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We present a range of observations on the reproductive morphology, pollination biology and
cultivation of Lodoicea maldivica (coco de mer), an endangered species with great …
cultivation of Lodoicea maldivica (coco de mer), an endangered species with great …