Reconciling conflicting perspectives for biodiversity conservation in the Anthropocene

C Kueffer, CN Kaiser-Bunbury - Frontiers in Ecology and the …, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
We introduce a framework–based on experiences from oceanic islands–for conserving
biodiversity in the Anthropocene. In an increasingly human‐dominated world, the context for …

The ecological sustainability of non-timber forest product harvest: Principles and methods

T Ticktin - Ecological sustainability for non-timber forest products, 2015 -
The harvest of non-timber forest products (NTFPs) for both subsistence and trade is ancient,
and remains common and widespread today (Shackleton, Chapter 2). NTFPs are collected …

Human impact on the abundance of useful species in a protected area of the Brazilian Cerrado by people perception and biological data

TC Silva, LZO Campos, W Balée… - Landscape …, 2019 - Taylor & Francis
Studies about relationships between people and landscapes have shown that local
communities can affect the abundance of plant species useful to humans, which raises the …

Dynamic management needs for long‐lived, sporadically recruiting plant species in human‐dominated landscapes

AH Schweiger, SDH Irl, JC Svenning… - Plants, People …, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Societal Impact Statement Long‐lived, iconic plant species like the baobab, welwitschia, the
saguaro cactus or the dragon's blood tree are perceived to be everlasting landscape …

Non-timber forest products: Current status and development

F Ahamad, R Bhutiani, M Ruhela, N Rai - Environmental pollution and …, 2022 - Springer
Abstract Non-Timber Forest Products (NTFP's) are biologically originated non-wood
products derived from forests and constitute a vital source of livelihood. In India …

Harvesting of palm fruits can be ecologically sustainable: a case of buriti (Mauritia flexuosa; arecaceae) in central Brazil

MB Sampaio, FAM dos Santos - Ecological sustainability for non …, 2015 -
Fruits of several palm species are of high importance to local communities of tropical regions
as a source of subsistence and income. Local people consume unprocessed fruits, or use …

Scientists' responsibilities towards evidence-based conservation in a Small Island Develo** State

CN Kaiser-Bunbury, F Fleischer-Dogley… - Journal of Applied …, 2015 - JSTOR
Much has been written about bridging the implementation gap, also known as the'great
divide'or the'knowledgeaction boundary'(eg Gibbons et al. 2008; Arlettaz et al. 2010; Cook et …

Morphological and genetic differentiation in populations of the dispersal‐limited coco de mer (Lodoicea maldivica): implications for management and conservation

F Fleischer‐Dogley, CJ Kettle… - Diversity and …, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
Aims Develo** plant conservation strategies requires knowledge of ecological and
genetic processes underlying population dynamics. We aimed to quantify morphological …

Impacts of rodent eradication on seed predation and plant community biomass on a tropical atoll

A Miller‐ter Kuile, D Orr, A Bui, R Dirzo, M Klope… - Biotropica, 2021 - Wiley Online Library
Invasive rodent eradications are frequently undertaken to curb island biodiversity loss.
However, the breadth of rodents' ecological impact, even after eradication, is not always fully …

Observations on the Morphology, Pollination and Cultivation of Coco de Mer (Lodoicea maldivica (JF Gmel.) Pers., Palmae)

S Blackmore, SC Chin, L Chong Seng… - Journal of …, 2012 - Wiley Online Library
We present a range of observations on the reproductive morphology, pollination biology and
cultivation of Lodoicea maldivica (coco de mer), an endangered species with great …