From ripples to large-scale sand transport: The effects of bedform-related roughness on hydrodynamics and sediment transport patterns in delft3d
Bedform-related roughness affects both water movement and sediment transport, so it is
important that it is represented correctly in numerical morphodynamic models. The main …
important that it is represented correctly in numerical morphodynamic models. The main …
Surfzone bedform migration and sediment flux implications to large scale morphologic evolution
Field observations of small scale seabed morphology were obtained over 4 weeks at two
locations separated 66 m along a cross-shore transect during the 2014 MEGAPEX …
locations separated 66 m along a cross-shore transect during the 2014 MEGAPEX …
A numerical study of onshore ripple migration using a Eulerian two‐phase model
A new modeling methodology for ripple dynamics driven by oscillatory flows using a
Eulerian two‐phase flow approach is presented in order to bridge the research gap between …
Eulerian two‐phase flow approach is presented in order to bridge the research gap between …
Observations of bedform migration and bedload sediment transport in combined wave‐current flows
Bedload transport is an important mechanism for sediment flux in the nearshore. Yet few
studies examine the relationship between bedform evolution and net sediment transport …
studies examine the relationship between bedform evolution and net sediment transport …
Observations of net sediment transport rate and boundary layer of wave–current flows over vortex ripples
J Yuan - Coastal Engineering, 2023 - Elsevier
In shallow coastal regions, shoaling waves and current together determine the net sediment
transport rate, Q net, which is critical for understanding coastal morphodynamics. Moderate …
transport rate, Q net, which is critical for understanding coastal morphodynamics. Moderate …
Current-and wave-generated bedforms on mixed sand–clay intertidal flats: A new bedform phase diagram and implications for bed roughness and preservation …
The effect of bedforms on frictional roughness felt by the overlying flow is crucial to the
regional modelling of estuaries and coastal seas. Bedforms are also a key marker of …
regional modelling of estuaries and coastal seas. Bedforms are also a key marker of …
Investigating wave shape effect on sediment transport over migrating ripples using an eulerian two-phase model
A Reynolds-averaged two-phase Eulerian model for sediment transport, SedFoam, is
utilized in a two-dimensional domain for a given sediment grain size, flow period, and …
utilized in a two-dimensional domain for a given sediment grain size, flow period, and …
Observations of near-bed orbital velocities and small-scale bedforms on the Dutch lower shoreface
The lower shoreface, with water depths between about 8 and 20 m, forms the transition
between the inner shelf and upper shoreface. Knowledge of the lower shoreface is …
between the inner shelf and upper shoreface. Knowledge of the lower shoreface is …
Spatio‐temporal characteristics of small‐scale wave–current ripples on the Ameland ebb‐tidal delta
Ebb‐tidal deltas are highly dynamic environments affected by both waves and currents that
approach the coast under various angles. Among other bedforms of various scales, these …
approach the coast under various angles. Among other bedforms of various scales, these …
Discontinuity in equilibrium wave‐current ripple size and shape and deep cleaning associated with cohesive sand‐clay beds
Mixtures of cohesive clay and noncohesive sand are widespread in many aquatic
environments. Ripple dynamics in sand‐clay mixtures have been studied under current …
environments. Ripple dynamics in sand‐clay mixtures have been studied under current …