Reduced kinetic schemes of complex reaction systems: fossil and biomass‐derived transportation fuels
The kinetic modeling of the pyrolysis and combustion of liquid transportation fuels is a very
complex task for two different reasons: the challenging characterization of the complex …
complex task for two different reasons: the challenging characterization of the complex …
Development of an experimental database and kinetic models for surrogate diesel fuels
Computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulations that include realistic combustion/emissions
chemistry hold the promise of significantly shortening the development time for advanced …
chemistry hold the promise of significantly shortening the development time for advanced …
Comparison of well-mixed and multiple representative interactive flamelet approaches for diesel spray combustion modelling
The application of detailed chemistry to the computational fluid dynamics simulation of
combustion process in diesel engines has many potentials, including the possibility to …
combustion process in diesel engines has many potentials, including the possibility to …
A two mixture fraction flamelet model applied to split injections in a DI diesel engine
C Hasse, N Peters - Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2005 - Elsevier
The laminar flamelet equations, which were originally derived for a two-feed system with one
fuel and one oxidizer stream, are extended for a three-feed system with two fuel and one …
fuel and one oxidizer stream, are extended for a three-feed system with two fuel and one …
Di-n-buthylether, n-octanol, and n-octane as fuel candidates for diesel engine combustion
In this study, three different C 8 fuels, namely n-octanol, di-n-buthylether (DnBE), and n-
octane, are investigated with regard to diesel engine combustion to assess and analyze the …
octane, are investigated with regard to diesel engine combustion to assess and analyze the …
Reduced kinetic mechanisms of diesel fuel surrogate for engine CFD simulations
Detailed chemistry represents a fundamental pre-requisite for a realistic simulation of
combustion process in diesel engines. In this work, the authors developed a reduced …
combustion process in diesel engines. In this work, the authors developed a reduced …
Influence of evaporation on spray flamelet structures
H Olguin, E Gutheil - Combustion and Flame, 2014 - Elsevier
The structure of laminar spray flames considerably differs from their gaseous counterpart.
However, most often flamelet models employed in the simulation of turbulent spray …
However, most often flamelet models employed in the simulation of turbulent spray …
A 1D model for the description of mixing-controlled reacting diesel sprays
JM Desantes, JV Pastor, JM García-Oliver… - Combustion and …, 2009 - Elsevier
The paper reports an investigation on the transient evolution of diesel flames in terms of fuel–
air mixing, spray penetration and combustion rate. A one-dimensional (1D) spray model …
air mixing, spray penetration and combustion rate. A one-dimensional (1D) spray model …
Detail guide for CFD on the simulation of biogas combustion in bluff-body mild burner
Combustion is still the most important process to generate energy. The improvement of
combustion efficiency will give high impact to the cost of energy. Beside experimental …
combustion efficiency will give high impact to the cost of energy. Beside experimental …
An experimental and kinetic modeling study of the autoignition of α-methylnaphthalene/air and α-methylnaphthalene/n-decane/air mixtures at elevated pressures
The autoignition of α-methylnaphthalene (AMN), the bicyclic aromatic reference compound
for the cetane number (CN), and AMN/n-decane blends, potential diesel surrogate mixtures …
for the cetane number (CN), and AMN/n-decane blends, potential diesel surrogate mixtures …