PUF-based authentication and key agreement protocols for IoT, WSNs, and smart grids: A comprehensive survey
Physically unclonable function (PUF) is a physical unit fabricated inside a sensor and
generally considered as an assurance anchor of resource inhibited device. Essentially, the …
generally considered as an assurance anchor of resource inhibited device. Essentially, the …
Physical unclonable functions (PUF) for IoT devices
Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) has recently attracted interest from both industry and
academia as a potential alternative approach to secure Internet of Things (IoT) devices from …
academia as a potential alternative approach to secure Internet of Things (IoT) devices from …
On the design of mutual authentication and key agreement protocol in internet of vehicles-enabled intelligent transportation system
Internet of Vehicles (IoV), a distributed network involving connected vehicles and Vehicular
Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), allows connected vehicles to communicate with other Internet …
Ad Hoc Networks (VANETs), allows connected vehicles to communicate with other Internet …
Secure authentication and key management protocol for deployment of Internet of Vehicles (IoV) concerning intelligent transport systems
Intelligent transport systems amalgamated with advanced technologies are an important
element of the automotive industry, including critical infrastructure and transportation …
element of the automotive industry, including critical infrastructure and transportation …
Three-factor authentication protocol using physical unclonable function for IoV
As an extension of Internet of Things (IoT) in transportation sector, the Internet of Vehicles
(IoV) can greatly facilitate vehicle management and route planning. With ever-increasing …
(IoV) can greatly facilitate vehicle management and route planning. With ever-increasing …
Blockchain-enabled certificate-based authentication for vehicle accident detection and notification in intelligent transportation systems
As the communications among the vehicles, the Road-Side Units (RSU) and the Edge
Servers (ES) take place via wireless communication and the Internet, an adversary may take …
Servers (ES) take place via wireless communication and the Internet, an adversary may take …
Two-factor privacy-preserving protocol for efficient authentication in Internet of Vehicles networks
Internet of Vehicles (IoV) has greatly improved safety and quality of services in intelligent
transportation system (ITS). However, the deployed dedicated short-range communication …
transportation system (ITS). However, the deployed dedicated short-range communication …
Physically secure and conditional-privacy authenticated key agreement for VANETs
To avoid physically extracting secrets from the storage of devices, Physical Unclonable
Function (PUF) is used in various authentication schemes. In these schemes, after the …
Function (PUF) is used in various authentication schemes. In these schemes, after the …
An efficient and physically secure privacy-preserving key-agreement protocol for vehicular ad-hoc network
The popularity of vehicles promotes the evolution of smart cities. This development makes
vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) a widely used inter-vehicular communication to obtain …
vehicular ad-hoc network (VANET) a widely used inter-vehicular communication to obtain …
Physically secure lightweight and privacy-preserving message authentication protocol for VANET in smart city
Secure message transmission in vehicular communications in smart cities is still a
challenging task. Most of the related work employed the Public Key Infrastructure …
challenging task. Most of the related work employed the Public Key Infrastructure …