Soft robotics enables neuroprosthetic hand design
Development and implementation of neuroprosthetic hands is a multidisciplinary field at the
interface between humans and artificial robotic systems, which aims at replacing the …
interface between humans and artificial robotic systems, which aims at replacing the …
Wearable robotics for impaired upper-limb assistance and rehabilitation: State of the art and future perspectives
T Proietti, E Ambrosini, A Pedrocchi, S Micera - Ieee Access, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Despite more than thirty-five years of research on wearable technologies to assist the upper-
limb and a multitude of promising preliminary results, the goal of restoring pre-impairment …
limb and a multitude of promising preliminary results, the goal of restoring pre-impairment …
A review: A comprehensive review of soft and rigid wearable rehabilitation and assistive devices with a focus on the shoulder joint
H Majidi Fard Vatan, S Nefti-Meziani, S Davis… - Journal of Intelligent & …, 2021 - Springer
The importance of the human upper limb role in performing daily life and personal activities
is significant. Improper functioning of this organ due to neurological disorders or surgeries …
is significant. Improper functioning of this organ due to neurological disorders or surgeries …
From emotions to mood disorders: A survey on gait analysis methodology
F Deligianni, Y Guo, GZ Yang - IEEE journal of biomedical and …, 2019 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Mood disorders affect more than 300 million people worldwide and can cause devastating
consequences. Elderly people and patients with neurological conditions are particularly …
consequences. Elderly people and patients with neurological conditions are particularly …
[HTML][HTML] Design and characterization of a lightweight underactuated RACA hand exoskeleton for neurorehabilitation
The spread of the use of robotic devices in neuro-rehabilitation therapies requires the
availability of lightweight, easy-to-use, cost-effective and versatile systems. RobHand has …
availability of lightweight, easy-to-use, cost-effective and versatile systems. RobHand has …
A compact McKibben muscle based bending actuator for close-to-body application in assistive wearable robots
M Tschiersky, EEG Hekman… - IEEE Robotics and …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In this letter we demonstrate a pneumatic bending actuator for upper-limb assistive wearable
robots which uses thin McKibben muscles in combination with a flexure strip. The actuator …
robots which uses thin McKibben muscles in combination with a flexure strip. The actuator …
[HTML][HTML] Wearable assistive rehabilitation robotic devices—a comprehensive review
PK Lingampally, KC Ramanathan, R Shanmugam… - Machines, 2024 - mdpi.com
This article details the existing wearable assistive devices that could mimic a human's active
range of motion and aid individuals in recovering from stroke. The survey has identified …
range of motion and aid individuals in recovering from stroke. The survey has identified …
Finding biomechanically safe trajectories for robot manipulation of the human body in a search and rescue scenario
There has been increasing awareness of the difficulties in reaching and extracting people
from mass casualty scenarios, such as those arising from natural disasters. While platforms …
from mass casualty scenarios, such as those arising from natural disasters. While platforms …
[HTML][HTML] Using deep learning for task and tremor type classification in people with Parkinson's disease
Hand tremor is one of the dominating symptoms of Parkinson's disease (PD), which
significantly limits activities of daily living. Along with medications, wearable devices have …
significantly limits activities of daily living. Along with medications, wearable devices have …
A critical review of transitioning from conventional actuators to artificial muscles in upper-limb rehabilitation devices
S Garofalo, C Morano, M Perrelli… - Journal of Intelligent …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Brain injuries resulting from spinal cord injuries, strokes, or cerebral palsy are among the
traumas most capable of compromising the motor activities of human limbs, hence the …
traumas most capable of compromising the motor activities of human limbs, hence the …