Experimental investigation of a novel, efficient, and sustainable hybrid silicate system in oil and gas well cementing
The cement sheath between casing and formation is required to have long-term
sustainability for the longer life of the well. Different formulations based on different additives …
sustainability for the longer life of the well. Different formulations based on different additives …
Remediation of Annular Gas Migration along Cemented Wellbores Using Reactive Mineral Fluids: Experimental Assessment of Sodium Bicarbonate and Sodium …
TKT Wolterbeek, SJT Hangx - Energies, 2021 - mdpi.com
Achieving zonal isolation along wellbores is essential for upholding the containment
integrity of subsurface reservoirs and preventing fluid seepage to the environment. The …
integrity of subsurface reservoirs and preventing fluid seepage to the environment. The …
Environmentally preferred process for efficient boron and hardness removal for produced water reuse
J Cao, S Monroe, D Hendry - SPE Annual Technical Conference and …, 2015 - onepetro.org
Abstract Treatment and reuse of produced water has become increasingly attractive. The
complicated nature of produced water, however, and its variability make it challenging to …
complicated nature of produced water, however, and its variability make it challenging to …
Aplikasi Squeeze Cementing Pada Sumur Produksi Cominggel yang High Water Cut Di Sumur Brid 75
JH Saputra - 2021 - repository.uir.ac.id
5. Seluruh karyawan BOB PT. BUMI SIAK PUSAKO PERTAMINA-HULU, yang telah
memberikan ilmu dan masukan selama penyusunan tugas akhir ini. 6. Teruntuk teman …
memberikan ilmu dan masukan selama penyusunan tugas akhir ini. 6. Teruntuk teman …
[PDF][PDF] Characterizing and Modeling of Silicate Modified Smart Cements, Smart Cement Grouts and Drilling Muds
MK Ali - 2015 - uh-ir.tdl.org
In this study, the effects of silicate based additives on the smart cements, smart cements
grouts and drilling muds were investigated. Also the effects of clay soil contamination on the …
grouts and drilling muds were investigated. Also the effects of clay soil contamination on the …