[PDF][PDF] Influence assesment of autotransformer remanent flux on resonance overvoltage

V Kuchanskyy, O Rubanenko - UPB Sci. Bull. Ser. C Electr. Eng, 2020 - researchgate.net
Abnormal resonance overvoltages occur due to the emergence of nonsinusoidal modes of
bulk electrical networks. The considered type of overvoltage refers to durable internal …

Control of the Sectioned Electrical Network Modes with Renewable Energy Sources

GS Lakshmi, O Rubanenko… - … on Sustainable Energy …, 2021 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
This paper is mainly focused on solving the urgent issue of optimal integration of renewable
energy power plants into distribution grids operating in Ukraine on the 6-10kV voltage and …

The sensitivity of the model of the process making the optimal decision for electric power systems in relative units

P Lezhniuk, O Rubanenko, V Komar… - 2020 IEEE KhPI Week …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The necessity of functioning of the automatic systems of control of the condition of the
electric power system (EPS) with consideration of sensitivity is presented. It is advisable to …

Renewable energy generation and impacts on E-mobility

GS Lakshmi, O Rubanenko… - Journal of Physics …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
This paper gives information about Renewable Energy Generation and its impacts on E-
Mobility. By 2050, the two pillars of modern transformation are E-Mobility and Renewable …

Determination of normative value power losses in distribution power grids with renewable energy sources using criterion method

SL Gundebommu, O Rubanenko… - 2020 19th International …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The paper presents the possibility of using criterion programming and neuro-fuzzy modeling
in determining the value of planning technical power losses. Proposed is an optimal control …

[HTML][HTML] Integrated Assessment of the Quality of Functioning of Local Electric Energy Systems

W Wójcik, P Lezhniuk, C Kaczmarek, V Komar, I Hunko… - Energies, 2025 - mdpi.com
This research demonstrates the possibility and expediency of forming local electric energy
systems (LEESs) based on renewable sources of energy (RSE) as balancing groups in the …

Planning of the experiment for the defining of the technical state of the transformer by using amplitude-frequency characteristic

O Rubanenko, M Grishchuk… - … . R. 96, NR 3: 119-124., 2020 - ir.lib.vntu.edu.ua
The article analyzes existing methods of diagnosing power transformers (PTs). The
technique of experiment planning using D-optimal plans is investigated. According to the …

Semi-analytical solution for a multi-objective team benchmark problem

P Karban, D Pánek, T Orosz, I Doležel - arxiv preprint arxiv:2008.06954, 2020 - arxiv.org
Benchmarking is essential for testing new numerical analysis codes. Their solution is crucial
both for testing the partial differential equation solvers and both for the optimization methods …

[PDF][PDF] Розосереджене генерування в задачах підвищення енергоефективності розподільних електричних мереж

ПД Лежнюк, ВО Комар, ОВ Сікорська - 2023 - ir.lib.vntu.edu.ua
В монографії досліджується проблема підвищення енергоефективності розподільних
електричних мереж з відновлюваними джерелами енергії. Розглянуто можливість …

Telemedical system for monitoring the psycho-neurological state of patients in the process of rehabilitation

S Das, P Bhowmick, NC Giri… - 2022 IEEE 3rd KhPI …, 2022 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Telemedical system for monitoring the psycho-neurological state for rehabilitation is
evolving for assessment and supervision of various neurological syndromes. Persons with …