Complete integrability and equilibrium thermodynamics of biaxial nematic systems with discrete orientational degrees of freedom

G De Matteis, F Giglio, A Moro - Proceedings of the …, 2024 -
We study a discrete version of a biaxial nematic liquid crystal model with external fields via
an approach based on the solution of differential identities for the partition function. In the …

Orientational ordering of confined hard rods: The effect of shape anisotropy on surface ordering and capillary nematization

R Aliabadi, M Moradi, S Varga - Physical Review E, 2015 - APS
We examine the ordering properties of rectangular hard rods with length L and diameter D at
a single planar wall and between two parallel hard walls using the second virial density …

Hierarchy of orientational phases and axial anisotropies in the gauge theoretical description of generalized nematic liquid crystals

K Liu, J Nissinen, J de Boer, RJ Slager, J Zaanen - Physical Review E, 2017 - APS
The paradigm of spontaneous symmetry breaking encompasses the breaking of the
rotational symmetries O (3) of isotropic space to a discrete subgroup, ie, a three-dimensional …

Isotropic to biaxial nematic phase transition in an external magnetic field

PK Mukherjee, M Rahman - Chemical Physics, 2013 - Elsevier
The first theoretical observation of the tricritical point for the isotropic to biaxial nematic
phase transition of biaxial nematic liquid crystals in the presence of an external field is …

Mean-field theory of isotropic-uniaxial nematic-biaxial nematic phase transitions in an external field

PK Mukherjee, AK De, A Mandal - Physica Scripta, 2019 -
We present a simple mean-field theory to study the effects of an external magnetic field on
biaxial nematic liquid crystals. Isotropic-uniaxial nematic-biaxial nematic phase sequence in …

Nematic order in a simple-cubic lattice-spin model with full-ranged dipolar interactions

H Chamati, S Romano - Physical Review E, 2016 - APS
In a previous paper [Phys. Rev. E 90, 022506 (2014) PLEEE8 1539-3755
10.1103/PhysRevE. 90.022506], we studied the thermodynamic and structural properties of …

Nematic order by thermal disorder in a three-dimensional lattice spin model with dipolarlike interactions

H Chamati, S Romano - Physical Review E, 2014 - APS
At low temperatures, some lattice spin models with simple ferromagnetic or
antiferromagnetic interactions (for example, nearest-neighbor interaction being isotropic in …

Calamitic and antinematic orientational order produced by the generalized Straley lattice model

F Bisi, G De Matteis, S Romano - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2013 - APS
We consider here a classical model, consisting of D 2 h-symmetric particles in a three-
dimensional simple-cubic lattice; the pair potential is isotropic in orientation space, and …

Detection of an intermediate biaxial phase in the phase diagram of biaxial liquid crystals: Entropic sampling study

B Kamala Latha, R Jose, KPN Murthy, VSS Sastry - Physical Review E, 2014 - APS
We investigate the phase sequence of biaxial liquid crystals, based on a general quadratic
model Hamiltonian over the relevant parameter space, with a Monte Carlo simulation which …

Antinematic orientational order produced by an extreme case of the generalized Straley lattice model

F Bisi, G De Matteis, S Romano - … Review E—Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft …, 2012 - APS
We address here a special, extreme case of the quadratic pair interaction potential between
classical, D 2 h-symmetric particles (the generalized Straley model) on a three-dimensional …