Optimal orthogonal-array-based latin hypercubes

S Leary, A Bhaskar, A Keane - Journal of Applied Statistics, 2003 - Taylor & Francis
The use of optimal orthogonal array latin hypercube designs is proposed. Orthogonal arrays
were proposed for constructing latin hypercube designs by Tang (1993). Such designs …

An adaptive and fuzzy resource management approach in cloud computing

P Haratian, F Safi-Esfahani, L Salimian… - … on Cloud Computing, 2017 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Resource management plays a key role in the cloud-computing environment in which
applications face with dynamically changing workloads. However, such dynamic and …

Towards knowledge management in self-adaptable clouds

M Maurer, I Brandic, VC Emeakaroha… - 2010 6th World …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing represents a promising computing paradigm where resources have to be
dynamically allocated to software that needs to be executed. Self-manageable Cloud …

An integrated approach for specifying and enforcing slas for cloud services

AL Freitas, N Parlavantzas… - 2012 IEEE Fifth …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud computing has evolved from the provisioning of virtual machines to the provisioning of
complex services, delivered to customers under the terms of Service-Level Agreements …

Autonomic SLA management in cloud computing services

S Anithakumari, K Chandra Sekaran - International Conference on …, 2014 - Springer
Cloud computing has developed into a more acceptable computing paradigm for
implementing scalable infrastructure resources given on-demand in a pay-by-use basis. Self …

Parametric design and performance analysis of a decoupled service-oriented prediction framework based on embedded numerical software

G Kousiouris, A Menychtas, D Kyriazis… - IEEE Transactions …, 2012 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
In modern utility computing infrastructures, like grids and clouds, one of the significant
actions of a service provider is to predict the resources needed by the services included in …

Approche dirigée par les contrats de niveaux de service pour la gestion de l'élasticité du" nuage"

Y Kouki - 2013 - theses.hal.science
L'informatique en nuage révolutionne complètement la façon de gérer les ressources. Grâce
à l'élasticité, les ressources peuvent être provisionnées en quelques minutes pour satisfaire …

A service-oriented framework for GNU Octave-based performance prediction

G Kousiouris, D Kyriazis, K Konstanteli… - 2010 IEEE …, 2010 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Cloud/Grid environments are characterized by a diverse set of technologies used for
communication, execution and management. Service Providers, in this context, need to be …

Games: Green active management of energy in it service centres

M Bertoncini, B Pernici, I Salomie, S Wesner - … Systems Evolution: CAiSE …, 2011 - Springer
The vision of the recently started GAMES European Research project is a new generation of
energy efficient IT Service Centres, designed taking into account both the characteristics of …

Cost reduction through SLA-driven self-management

AL Freitas, N Parlavantzas… - 2011 IEEE Ninth …, 2011 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
A main challenge for service providers is managing service-level agreements (SLAs) with
their customers while satisfying their business objectives, such as maximizing profits. Most …