Multidimensional biases, gaps and uncertainties in global plant occurrence information
Plants are a hyperdiverse clade that plays a key role in maintaining ecological and
evolutionary processes as well as human livelihoods. Biases, gaps and uncertainties in …
evolutionary processes as well as human livelihoods. Biases, gaps and uncertainties in …
Determinants of geographic range size in plants
Geographic range size has long fascinated ecologists and evolutionary biologists, yet our
understanding of the factors that cause variation in range size among species and across …
understanding of the factors that cause variation in range size among species and across …
Tropical tree mortality has increased with rising atmospheric water stress
Evidence exists that tree mortality is accelerating in some regions of the tropics,, with
profound consequences for the future of the tropical carbon sink and the global …
profound consequences for the future of the tropical carbon sink and the global …
The global distribution of tetrapods reveals a need for targeted reptile conservation
The distributions of amphibians, birds and mammals have underpinned global and local
conservation priorities, and have been fundamental to our understanding of the …
conservation priorities, and have been fundamental to our understanding of the …
Climate adaptation by crop migration
Many studies have estimated the adverse effects of climate change on crop yields, however,
this literature almost universally assumes a constant geographic distribution of crops in the …
this literature almost universally assumes a constant geographic distribution of crops in the …
The commonness of rarity: Global and future distribution of rarity across land plants
A key feature of life's diversity is that some species are common but many more are rare.
Nonetheless, at global scales, we do not know what fraction of biodiversity consists of rare …
Nonetheless, at global scales, we do not know what fraction of biodiversity consists of rare …
Widespread winners and narrow-ranged losers: Land use homogenizes biodiversity in local assemblages worldwide
Human use of the land (for agriculture and settlements) has a substantial negative effect on
biodiversity globally. However, not all species are adversely affected by land use, and …
biodiversity globally. However, not all species are adversely affected by land use, and …
Functional trait space and the latitudinal diversity gradient
The processes causing the latitudinal gradient in species richness remain elusive.
Ecological theories for the origin of biodiversity gradients, such as competitive exclusion …
Ecological theories for the origin of biodiversity gradients, such as competitive exclusion …
GIFT–A global inventory of floras and traits for macroecology and biogeography
Aim To understand how functional traits and evolutionary history shape the geographic
distribution of plant life on Earth, we need to integrate high‐quality and global‐scale …
distribution of plant life on Earth, we need to integrate high‐quality and global‐scale …
World distribution, diversity and endemism of aquatic macrophytes
To test the hitherto generally-accepted hypothesis that most aquatic macrophytes have
broad world distributions, we investigated the global distribution, diversity and endemism …
broad world distributions, we investigated the global distribution, diversity and endemism …