Battery technologies and functionality of battery management system for EVs: Current status, key challenges, and future prospectives
Research and development towards electric vehicles (EVs) are getting exclusive attention
because of their eco-friendly nature, suppression of petroleum products, greener transport …
because of their eco-friendly nature, suppression of petroleum products, greener transport …
[HTML][HTML] Overview of batteries and battery management for electric vehicles
Popularization of electric vehicles (EVs) is an effective solution to promote carbon neutrality,
thus combating the climate crisis. Advances in EV batteries and battery management …
thus combating the climate crisis. Advances in EV batteries and battery management …
Data-driven capacity estimation of commercial lithium-ion batteries from voltage relaxation
Accurate capacity estimation is crucial for the reliable and safe operation of lithium-ion
batteries. In particular, exploiting the relaxation voltage curve features could enable battery …
batteries. In particular, exploiting the relaxation voltage curve features could enable battery …
Deep learning framework for lithium-ion battery state of charge estimation: Recent advances and future perspectives
Accurate state of charge (SOC) constitutes the basis for reliable operations of lithium-ion
batteries. The deep learning technique, a game changer in many fields, has recently …
batteries. The deep learning technique, a game changer in many fields, has recently …
A comprehensive review of digital twin—part 1: modeling and twinning enabling technologies
As an emerging technology in the era of Industry 4.0, digital twin is gaining unprecedented
attention because of its promise to further optimize process design, quality control, health …
attention because of its promise to further optimize process design, quality control, health …
[HTML][HTML] Battery safety: Machine learning-based prognostics
Lithium-ion batteries play a pivotal role in a wide range of applications, from electronic
devices to large-scale electrified transportation systems and grid-scale energy storage …
devices to large-scale electrified transportation systems and grid-scale energy storage …
[HTML][HTML] Digital twin of electric vehicle battery systems: Comprehensive review of the use cases, requirements, and platforms
Transportation electrification has been fueled by recent advancements in the technology
and manufacturing of battery systems, but the industry yet is facing serious challenges that …
and manufacturing of battery systems, but the industry yet is facing serious challenges that …
[HTML][HTML] A review on online state of charge and state of health estimation for lithium-ion batteries in electric vehicles
With electric vehicles (EVs) being widely accepted as a clean technology to solve carbon
emissions in modern transportation, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have emerged as the …
emissions in modern transportation, lithium-ion batteries (LIBs) have emerged as the …
A review of deep learning approach to predicting the state of health and state of charge of lithium-ion batteries
In the field of energy storage, it is very important to predict the state of charge and the state of
health of lithium-ion batteries. In this paper, we review the current widely used equivalent …
health of lithium-ion batteries. In this paper, we review the current widely used equivalent …
Review of battery state estimation methods for electric vehicles-Part I: SOC estimation
This study presents a comprehensive review of State of Charge (SOC) estimation methods
for Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries, with a specific focus on Electric Vehicles (EVs). The …
for Lithium-Ion (Li-Ion) batteries, with a specific focus on Electric Vehicles (EVs). The …