[HTML][HTML] A review of unconventional sustainable building insulation materials
Building insulation is commonly realized using materials obtained from petrochemicals
(mainly polystyrene) or from natural sources processed with high energy consumptions …
(mainly polystyrene) or from natural sources processed with high energy consumptions …
Review on Eco-friendly insulation material used for indoor comfort in building
Since the 1930s, thermal comfort has been discussed. This idea is crucial in the construction
industry because a building's structure, lighting, and energy-generating machinery must all …
industry because a building's structure, lighting, and energy-generating machinery must all …
Relating microclimate, human thermal comfort and health during heat waves: An analysis of heat island mitigation strategies through a case study in an urban outdoor …
Over the past years the concern of the international scientific community towards the study of
the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon has been growing. Such issue is particularly …
the Urban Heat Island (UHI) phenomenon has been growing. Such issue is particularly …
Thermal inertia in buildings: A review of impacts across climate and building use
S Verbeke, A Audenaert - Renewable and sustainable energy reviews, 2018 - Elsevier
A building with a great amount of thermal mass is able to time-shift and flatten out heat flow
fluctuations; this is referred to as the thermal inertia of a building. This paper presents a …
fluctuations; this is referred to as the thermal inertia of a building. This paper presents a …
Uncertain multi-criteria sustainability assessment of green building insulation materials
Sustainability assessment is the key procedure applied for selecting building insulation
materials in order to ensure satisfactory performance and long-term impacts on society and …
materials in order to ensure satisfactory performance and long-term impacts on society and …
Building energy performance analysis: A case study
International standards, in particular the Italian one, evaluate buildings energy performance
assuming steady-state working conditions: currently, the study of the energy performance of …
assuming steady-state working conditions: currently, the study of the energy performance of …
[HTML][HTML] In Situ Thermal Transmittance Measurements for Investigating Differences between Wall Models and Actual Building Performance
An accurate assessment of a building's wall performance, defined through the thermal
transmittance, is essential to compute the annual energy consumption. Analyzing opaque …
transmittance, is essential to compute the annual energy consumption. Analyzing opaque …
[HTML][HTML] A review on numerical approach to achieve building energy efficiency for energy, economy and environment (3E) benefit
Increasing energy demand in buildings with a 40% global share and 30% greenhouse gas
emissions has accounted for climate change and a consequent crisis encouraging …
emissions has accounted for climate change and a consequent crisis encouraging …
Evaluation of different urban microclimate mitigation strategies through a PMV analysis
Outdoor thermal comfort affects the health of the people and the quality of life in urban areas.
This is the reason why in the past few years different mitigation strategies for the …
This is the reason why in the past few years different mitigation strategies for the …
[HTML][HTML] A New Metre for Cheap, Quick, Reliable and Simple Thermal Transmittance (U-Value) Measurements in Buildings
This paper deals with the thermal transmittance measurement focused on buildings and
specifically in building energy retrofitting. Today, if many thermal transmittance …
specifically in building energy retrofitting. Today, if many thermal transmittance …