[HTML][HTML] Aerodynamic performance characteristics of low Re airfoils: a parametric and multi criteria decision study

BY Kassa, AT Baheta, A Beyene - Results in Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
This research aims at investigating the aerodynamic performance of 51 low Re airfoils and
applying a Multi Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) approach for selecting airfoils that align …

Control of a boundary layer over a wind turbine blade using distributed passive roughness

M Özkan, O Erkan - Renewable Energy, 2022 - Elsevier
Wind turbines are mostly prone to reduced aerodynamic performance due to the inevitable
occurrence of the roughness on blades. However, it may be possible to control the boundary …

Exploring Magnus Effect: A Review of its Influence on Airfoil Performance & Industrial Applications

MH Al Faruq, S Islam Pranto, M Kasfia… - Jahid Hossain and …, 2024 - papers.ssrn.com
Magnus effect gets induced when the rotation of body within airflow field produces additional
lift force. The influence of magnus effect in aerodynamic performance has always been a …

[PDF][PDF] Calculation of Aerodynamic Coefficients of Serrated Airfoils through Experimental, Computational & Machine Learning techniques

H Ashraf - 2024 - repositories.nust.edu.pk
The search for better aerodynamic efficiency in aviation has led to the investigation of
various techniques to improve the lift and stall characteristics of wings. The primary objective …


A AYTAÇ, K AZTEKİN, E AYTAV - researchgate.net
Composites are a material system that combines polymer resins with fiber reinforcements
such as carbon fiber, glass fiber or Kevlar™. These materials are molded to be extremely …