Host specificity in variable environments
Host specificity encompasses the range and diversity of host species that a parasite is
capable of infecting and is considered a crucial measure of a parasite's potential to shift …
capable of infecting and is considered a crucial measure of a parasite's potential to shift …
Dirichlet‐multinomial modelling outperforms alternatives for analysis of microbiome and other ecological count data
Molecular ecology regularly requires the analysis of count data that reflect the relative
abundance of features of a composition (eg, taxa in a community, gene transcripts in a …
abundance of features of a composition (eg, taxa in a community, gene transcripts in a …
P values in display items are ubiquitous and almost invariably significant: A survey of top science journals
P values represent a widely used, but pervasively misunderstood and fiercely contested
method of scientific inference. Display items, such as figures and tables, often containing the …
method of scientific inference. Display items, such as figures and tables, often containing the …
Comparing ecological and evolutionary variability within datasets
Many key questions in evolutionary ecology require the use of variance ratios such as
heritability, repeatability, and individual resource specialization. These ratios allow …
heritability, repeatability, and individual resource specialization. These ratios allow …
eDNAPlus: A Unifying Modeling Framework for DNA-based Biodiversity Monitoring
DNA-based biodiversity surveys, which involve collecting physical samples from survey sites
and assaying them in the laboratory to detect species via their diagnostic DNA sequences …
and assaying them in the laboratory to detect species via their diagnostic DNA sequences …
Quantifying predator dependence in the functional response of generalist predators
A long‐standing debate concerns how functional responses are best described. Theory
suggests that ratio dependence is consistent with many food web patterns left unexplained …
suggests that ratio dependence is consistent with many food web patterns left unexplained …
Towards a predictive model of species interaction beta diversity
Species interactions are fundamental to community dynamics and ecosystem processes.
Despite significant progress in describing species interactions, we lack the ability to predict …
Despite significant progress in describing species interactions, we lack the ability to predict …
Relative prey abundance and predator preference predict individual diet variation in prey‐switching experiments
KE Coblentz - Ecology, 2020 - Wiley Online Library
Individual diet specialization appears widespread and has several ecological ramifications.
Hypotheses on the causes of diet specialization generally assume prey preferences differ …
Hypotheses on the causes of diet specialization generally assume prey preferences differ …
Seasonal frugivory drives both diet inconsistency and individual specialization in the generalist herbivore gopher tortoise
Individual diet specialization, where individuals within a population exhibit distinct dietary
patterns, can be influenced by shifts in ecological opportunity. One underexplored avenue of …
patterns, can be influenced by shifts in ecological opportunity. One underexplored avenue of …
Environmental warming increases the importance of high‐turnover energy channels in stream food webs
Warming temperatures are altering communities and trophic networks across Earth's
ecosystems. While the overall influence of warming on food webs is often context …
ecosystems. While the overall influence of warming on food webs is often context …