Driving induced many-body localization
Subjecting a many-body localized system to a time-periodic drive generically leads to
delocalization and a transition to ergodic behavior if the drive is sufficiently strong or of …
delocalization and a transition to ergodic behavior if the drive is sufficiently strong or of …
Topological protection from exceptional points in Weyl and nodal-line semimetals
We investigate the topological protection of surface states in Weyl and nodal-line
semimetals by characterizing them as evanescent states when the band structure is …
semimetals by characterizing them as evanescent states when the band structure is …
Dynamical localization and slow dynamics in quasiperiodically driven quantum systems
We investigate the role of a quasiperiodically driven electric field in a disordered fermionic
chain. In the clean noninteracting case, we show the emergence of dynamical localization …
chain. In the clean noninteracting case, we show the emergence of dynamical localization …
Dynamical localization-delocalization crossover in the Aubry-André-Harper model
CM Dai, W Wang, XX Yi - Physical Review A, 2018 - APS
Examining the Aubry-André-Harper (AAH) model driven by periodic fields, we find a
crossover between the localization and delocalization phases. This is different from the …
crossover between the localization and delocalization phases. This is different from the …
Periodically and aperiodically Thue-Morse driven long-range systems: from dynamical localization to slow dynamics
We investigate the electric-field driven power-law random banded matrix (PLRBM) model
where a variation in the power-law exponent $\alpha $ yields a delocalization-to-localization …
where a variation in the power-law exponent $\alpha $ yields a delocalization-to-localization …
Quasiperiodic driving of Anderson localized waves in one dimension
We consider a quantum particle in a one-dimensional disordered lattice with Anderson
localization in the presence of multifrequency perturbations of the onsite energies. Using the …
localization in the presence of multifrequency perturbations of the onsite energies. Using the …
Resonant extended states in driven quasiperiodic lattices: Aubry-Andre localization by design
We consider a quasiperiodic Aubry-Andre (AA) model and add a weak time-space-periodic
perturbation. The undriven AA model is chosen to be well in the localized regime. The …
perturbation. The undriven AA model is chosen to be well in the localized regime. The …
Controlling conductance statistics of quantum wires by driving ac fields
We calculate the entire distribution of the conductance P (G) of a one-dimensional
disordered system—quantum wire—subject to a time-dependent field. Our calculations are …
disordered system—quantum wire—subject to a time-dependent field. Our calculations are …
Localization and delocalization properties in quasi-periodically-driven one-dimensional disordered systems
HS Yamada, KS Ikeda - Physical Review E, 2022 - APS
Localization and delocalization of quantum diffusion in a time-continuous one-dimensional
Anderson model perturbed by the quasiperiodic harmonic oscillations of M colors is …
Anderson model perturbed by the quasiperiodic harmonic oscillations of M colors is …
Length-dependent oscillations in the dc conductance of laser-driven quantum wires
DF Martinez, RA Molina, B Hu - Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and …, 2008 - APS
We calculate the dc conductance at zero temperature of clean quantum wires driven by a
laser field. In the high-frequency regime we find an interplay between length-dependent …
laser field. In the high-frequency regime we find an interplay between length-dependent …