[PDF][PDF] Diverse approaches to creating and using causal loop diagrams in public health research: recommendations from a sco** review
L Baugh Littlejohns, C Hill, C Neudorf - Public health reviews, 2021 - ssph-journal.org
Objectives: Complex systems thinking methods are increasingly called for and used as
analytical lenses in public health research. The use of qualitative system map** and in …
analytical lenses in public health research. The use of qualitative system map** and in …
A method to the madness: Applying an intersectional analysis of structural oppression and power in HCI and design
With increased focus on historically excluded populations, there have been recent calls for
HCI research methods to more adequately acknowledge and address the historical context …
HCI research methods to more adequately acknowledge and address the historical context …
[HTML][HTML] Smart cities, smart systems: A comprehensive review of system dynamics model applications in urban studies in the big data era
This paper addresses urban sustainability challenges amid global urbanization,
emphasizing the need for innovative approaches aligned with the Sustainable Development …
emphasizing the need for innovative approaches aligned with the Sustainable Development …
[BOK][B] Handbook of systems thinking methods
The systems thinking philosophy has become popular in human factors and ergonomics and
safety science. These methods are being used to understand and resolve complex societal …
safety science. These methods are being used to understand and resolve complex societal …
[HTML][HTML] Heterogeneous effects of spatially proximate firearm homicide exposure on anxiety and depression symptoms among US youth
The burden of firearm homicide in the United States is not evenly distributed across the
population; rather, it disproportionately affects youth in disadvantaged and marginalized …
population; rather, it disproportionately affects youth in disadvantaged and marginalized …
Amplifying community-led violence prevention as a counter to structural oppression
J Dickinson, J Arthur, M Shiparski, A Bianca… - Proceedings of the …, 2021 - dl.acm.org
Street outreach is a violence prevention model in which organizations hire residents with
strong relationships and local expertise to mediate violent conflicts in their communities. We …
strong relationships and local expertise to mediate violent conflicts in their communities. We …
School-based racial microaggressions: A barrier to resilience among African American adolescents exposed to trauma.
BA Woods-Jaeger, J Hampton-Anderson… - … , practice, and policy, 2022 - psycnet.apa.org
Objective: African American adolescents experience disproportionate rates of adverse
childhood experiences (ACEs), which heightens their risk for negative social, behavioral …
childhood experiences (ACEs), which heightens their risk for negative social, behavioral …
[HTML][HTML] Systems approaches for uncovering mechanisms of structural racism impacting children's environmental health and development
Current approaches to identifying the impacts of structural racism on human development
focus on downstream consequences or developmental outcomes rather than the upstream …
focus on downstream consequences or developmental outcomes rather than the upstream …
Constructing causal loop diagrams from large interview data sets
P Newberry, N Carhart - System dynamics review, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
Abstract “Tackling the Root Causes Upstream of Unhealth Urban Development” is a trans‐
disciplinary research project seeking to map and understand urban development decision …
disciplinary research project seeking to map and understand urban development decision …
Unpacking the complexities of community-led violence prevention work
S Erete, J Dickinson, AC Gonzalez… - Proceedings of the 2022 …, 2022 - dl.acm.org
With increased public scrutiny of policing and growing calls for community-based violence
prevention, street outreach programs that hire residents to mediate conflicts in their …
prevention, street outreach programs that hire residents to mediate conflicts in their …