Privacy enhancing technologies for solving the privacy-personalization paradox: Taxonomy and survey
Personal data are often collected and processed in a decentralized fashion, within different
contexts. For instance, with the emergence of distributed applications, several providers are …
contexts. For instance, with the emergence of distributed applications, several providers are …
Privacy and security in online social networks: A survey
Online social networks (OSN) are a permanent presence in today's personal and
professional lives of a huge segment of the population, with direct consequences to offline …
professional lives of a huge segment of the population, with direct consequences to offline …
Privacy norms for smart home personal assistants
Smart Home Personal Assistants (SPA) have a complex ecosystem that enables them to
carry out various tasks on behalf of the user with just voice commands. SPA capabilities are …
carry out various tasks on behalf of the user with just voice commands. SPA capabilities are …
Digital nudging and privacy: improving decisions about self-disclosure in social networks
Self-disclosure on social network sites (SNSs) constitutes a feedback necessity as well as a
potential privacy risk. We integrate both perspectives by studying privacy-related factors that …
potential privacy risk. We integrate both perspectives by studying privacy-related factors that …
“I Did Watch 'The Handmaid's Tale'”: Threat Modeling Privacy Post-roe in the United States
Now that the protections of Roe v. Wade are no longer available throughout the United
States, the free flow of personal data can be used by legal authorities to provide evidence of …
States, the free flow of personal data can be used by legal authorities to provide evidence of …
Linked by age: a study on social media privacy concerns among younger and older adults
Purpose This paper explores the similarities and differences in privacy attitudes, trust and
risk beliefs between younger and older adults on social networking sites. The objective of …
risk beliefs between younger and older adults on social networking sites. The objective of …
The users' perspective on the privacy-utility trade-offs in health recommender systems
Privacy is a major good for users of personalized services such as recommender systems.
When applied to the field of health informatics, privacy concerns of users may be amplified …
When applied to the field of health informatics, privacy concerns of users may be amplified …
Cultural differences in the effects of contextual factors and privacy concerns on users' privacy decision on social networking sites
Many social network sites (SNSs) have become available around the world and users'
online social networks increasingly include contacts from different cultures. However, there …
online social networks increasingly include contacts from different cultures. However, there …
A data-driven approach to develo** IoT privacy-setting interfaces
User testing is often used to inform the development of user interfaces (UIs). But what if an
interface needs to be developed for a system that does not yet exist? In that case, existing …
interface needs to be developed for a system that does not yet exist? In that case, existing …
Transitions from one electronic health record to another: challenges, pitfalls, and recommendations
Objective We address the challenges of transitioning from one electronic health record
(EHR) to another—a near ubiquitous phenomenon in health care. We offer mitigating …
(EHR) to another—a near ubiquitous phenomenon in health care. We offer mitigating …