Low-power, noise insensitive communication channel using logarithmic detector amplifier (LDA) demodulator

P Rada, F Brown - US Patent 9,048,943, 2015 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A method is provided for communicating signals at a low power level in an
electromagnetic interference (EMI) envi ronment. A first device transmits a modulated signal …

Combination of steering antennas, CPL antenna (s), and one or more receive logarithmic detector amplifiers for SISO and MIMO applications

A Dupuy, P Rada, F Brown - US Patent 9,236,892, 2016 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT Logarithmic Detector Amplifiers (LDAs), multiple antennas, active
antennas, and multiple active antennas and receivers are provided in a variety of …

Medium communication system using log detector amplifier

P Rada, F Brown - US Patent 9,621,203, 2017 - Google Patents
An in-medium monitoring system for monitoring material carried within a pipe. The system
includes an acoustic device installed within the pipe that generates Voltage sig nals …

Power combiner and fixed/adjustable CPL antennas

A Dupuy, F Brown, P Rada - US Patent 9,263,787, 2016 - Google Patents
(51) Int. Cl. 2005, OO69051 A1 3, 2005 Lourens HO3D L/08(2006.01) 2005/0270172 A1
12/2005 Bailey et al. 2006/0028297 A1 2/2006 Kang et al. H01O 700(2006.01) …

Low noise detection system using log detector amplifier

F Brown, P Rada - US Patent 9,503,133, 2016 - Google Patents
BACKGROUND Present systems for extracting a wanted signal from a noisy signal include
averaging, selective amplification and/or filtering, synchronized detection (eg, phase lock …

Logarithmic amplifier with universal demodulation capabilities

F Brown, P Rada, A Dupuy - US Patent 9,397,382, 2016 - Google Patents
US9397382B2 - Logarithmic amplifier with universal demodulation capabilities - Google Patents
US9397382B2 - Logarithmic amplifier with universal demodulation capabilities - Google Patents …

Method of and apparatus for synchronization

J Jantunen, J Arponen, I Jantunen, M Pelissier… - US Patent …, 2015 - Google Patents
H04B I/7.183 (2013.01); H04L I/0045 (2013.01); H04L I/004I (2013.01); H04B (75) Inventors …

Receiver and transmitter of co** with interference in super-regenerative communication system, and method of using the receiver and the transmitter

JS Kang, JS Lee, HS Hwang - US Patent 8,913,648, 2014 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A receiver and a transmitter that copes with interference in a Super-
regenerative communication system, and a method of using the receiver and the transmitter …

Logarithmic detector amplifier system for use as high sensitivity selective receiver without frequency conversion

PA Rada, FJ Brown, A Dupuy - US Patent 9,590,572, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A logarithmic detector amplifying (LDA) system is provided for use as a
high sensitivity receive booster or replacement for a low noise amplifier in a receive chain of …

Frequency selective logarithmic amplifier with intrinsic frequency demodulation capability

F Brown, P Rada, A Dupuy - US Patent 9,684,807, 2017 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A regenerative selective logarithmic detector amplifier (LDA) can have
integrated FM demodulation capabilities. It can receive a wired or wireless FM modulated …