Soil invertebrates and ecosystem services

P Lavelle, T Decaëns, M Aubert, S Barot… - European journal of soil …, 2006 - Elsevier
Invertebrates play significant, but largely ignored, roles in the delivery of ecosystem services
by soils at plot and landscape scales. They participate actively in the interactions that …

Global monitoring of soil animal communities using a common methodology

AM Potapov, X Sun, MJI Briones, GG Brown… - bioRxiv, 2022 -
Here we introduce the Soil BON Foodweb Team, a cross-continental collaborative network
that aims to monitor soil animal communities and food webs using consistent methodology …

rich: An R Package to Analyse Species Richness

JP Rossi - Diversity, 2011 -
The paper describes rich, a new R package to perform species richness estimation and
comparison. Species richness is the simplest surrogate for the more complex concept of …

Indicating soil quality in cacao-based agroforestry systems and old-growth forests: the potential of soil macrofauna assemblage

GX Rousseau, O Deheuvels, IR Arias, E Somarriba - Ecological indicators, 2012 - Elsevier
Soil quality or health is a fuzzy concept that has been vigorously criticized due to the
extreme variability of soil and the difficulty of linking soil indicators to soil functions and …

IBQS: A synthetic index of soil quality based on soil macro-invertebrate communities

R Nuria, M Jérôme, C Léonide, R Christine… - Soil Biology and …, 2011 - Elsevier
We developed a synthetic index of biological soil quality (IBQS) based on soil macro-
invertebrate community patterns to assess soil quality. In 22 sites representing the diversity …

[HTML][HTML] Soil macrofauna density and diversity across a chronosequence of tropical forest restoration in Southeastern Brazil

NT Amazonas, RAG Viani, MGA Rego… - Brazilian journal of …, 2017 - SciELO Brasil
Edaphic macrofauna must be better studied if we want to take advantage of their full
potential for the restoration of tropical ecosystems. We investigated changes in edaphic …

Soil macrofauna in agricultural landscapes dominated by the Quesungual Slash-and-Mulch Agroforestry System, western Honduras

N Pauli, E Barrios, AJ Conacher, T Oberthür - Applied Soil Ecology, 2011 - Elsevier
Smallholder agroforestry systems often incorporate features that are associated with
abundant, diverse soil macrofauna populations. This study sampled soil macrofauna …

Changes in Ground Beetle Assemblages above and below the Treeline of the D Olomites after Almost 30 Years (1980/2009)

R Pizzolotto, M Gobbi, P Brandmayr - Ecology and evolution, 2014 - Wiley Online Library
Very little is known about the changes of ground beetle assemblages in the last few decades
in the Alps, and different responses to climate change of animal populations living above …

Пространственная экология почвенных животных

АД Покаржевский, КБ Гонгальский, АС Зайцев… - 2007 -
Монография посвящена пространственному распределению почвенных животных на
разных уровнях разрешения: исследуемой точки, биогеоценоза, ландшафта, региона …

Towards indicators of butterfly biodiversity based on a multiscale landscape description

JP Rossi, I Van Halder - Ecological Indicators, 2010 - Elsevier
The conservation of biodiversity has gained prominence in ecological research for the last
decades. Conservation actions require a measure of biodiversity such as species richness …