Cutting-edge research in social media and interactive marketing: a review and research agenda
Purpose Conceptual and empirical research over the past 20 years has moved the social
media (SM) literature beyond the embryotic stage to a well-developed academic discipline …
media (SM) literature beyond the embryotic stage to a well-developed academic discipline …
Virtual versus human: Unraveling consumer reactions to service failures through influencer types
In an era where both human and virtual influencers play pivotal roles in sha** consumer
behavior, understanding their influence on consumers' reactions to service failures has …
behavior, understanding their influence on consumers' reactions to service failures has …
From screen to cart: how influencers drive impulsive buying in livestreaming commerce?
Purpose The recent livestreaming commerce has magnified the role of influencer marketing,
where the influencers are partnering with brands for product promotion. This study examines …
where the influencers are partnering with brands for product promotion. This study examines …
The impact of brand connectedness on consumer engagement behavior in the social media brand community
G Luo, J Hao, H Ma - Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2025 -
Purpose Triggered by the extensive use of social media brand communities (SMBCs) in
interactive marketing, this article aims to explore how brand connectedness (BC) affects …
interactive marketing, this article aims to explore how brand connectedness (BC) affects …
Distinguishing Between Recovery and Transformation: A Systematic Review of Purchasing and Consumption During Crises
Global crises significantly disrupt established consumption patterns, requiring consumers to
adapt their behaviors and routines in response to market system changes. Despite the …
adapt their behaviors and routines in response to market system changes. Despite the …
How can I trust you if you're fake? Understanding human-like virtual influencer credibility and the role of textual social cues
JW Yoo, J Park, H Park - Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing, 2024 -
Purpose This study explores the influence of textual social cues on virtual influencers'
perceived attractiveness, homophily and credibility, and their impact on consumers' …
perceived attractiveness, homophily and credibility, and their impact on consumers' …
[HTML][HTML] A framework for messy communication: A qualitative study of competing voices of authority on social Media
While governments, nonprofits, and influencers differ dramatically in their resource
availability for social media content creation and their duties to public safety, health, and …
availability for social media content creation and their duties to public safety, health, and …
Examining influencer marketing: the roles of para-social relationships, unpaid collaborations, and trustworthiness in sha** consumer buying behavior
The marketing landscape has intensely changed with the rise of digital platforms and social
media. Social media influencer marketing was found by many previous studies to be a …
media. Social media influencer marketing was found by many previous studies to be a …
[HTML][HTML] Parasocial interactions in digital tourism: attributes of live streamers and viewer engagement dynamics in South Korea
M Kim - Behavioral Sciences, 2023 -
This study investigates the use of live streaming as a strategic tool in the tourism industry,
with a focus on the attributes of live streamers that influence viewer engagement, particularly …
with a focus on the attributes of live streamers that influence viewer engagement, particularly …
Virtual influencers in social media versus the metaverse: Mind Perception, blame judgements and brand trust
The rise of virtual influencers (VIs) in digital marketing channels, such as social media
platforms and the metaverse, raises critical, under-researched questions about blame …
platforms and the metaverse, raises critical, under-researched questions about blame …